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Republic Zabrak sith corruption


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I used to think that too, until I saw a pale white Twi'lek with blood red eyes in warzone the other day, then looked up online and realized that some of the aliens will change their skin color as well. The game has been out for some time now and information about this still seem really scarce. At this moment, if you're using a character other than a human, you pretty much won't know how your character will look after sith corruption until you get dark points and see for yourself. Because there's just not enough information about this. I'm willing to make a compilation of all the species' sith corruptions if we get some good photos of how each one look like.


I've found a few examples online with links below.







From what I can tell, the imp alien species will turn pale white after sith corruption, meaning a red skin zabak will turn white/pinkish, a blue skin Twi'lek will turn white/blueish, etc... I'm wondering on the republic side, does the Mirialan (green skin species) and the republic Zabak also change skin tone as a result of sith corruption? Anyone who plays a darkside alien character willing to sceencap your character showing your sith corruption and contribute to this? This subject is still virtually untouched and I think there should be a place where people can go and find out how their character would look like after sith corruption before they actually go through the dark path with their character. I can make a new post on this subject with a graphic guideline after we get a few examples going.



Edited by Dead_Ted
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From my experience, the Sith Corruption doesn't vary between species. It changes with skin colour.


If you have a dark or stronger skin tone (say a Pureblood or Twi'lek with dark red skin or a Chiss with dark blue) then the corruption will make you go paler. If you already have pale skin (Zabrak with white or even a Human with a more tanned colour) then you won't grow pale, you simply get the shadows around the eyes and mouth and, of course, the red eyes.


The screenshot example you gave of the Twi'lek has naturally dark red skin. If you opt for the lighter pink skin option then the skin colour won't change.


I'll give an example of my Zabrak with Dark V corruption and without:





Apologies for the poor lighting but it should give an idea.

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"From what I can tell, the imp alien species will turn pale white after sith corruption, meaning a red skin zabak will turn white/pinkish, a blue skin Twi'lek will turn white/blueish, etc... I'm wondering on the republic side, does the Mirialan (green skin species) and the republic Zabak also change skin tone as a result of sith corruption?"


This is correct for both republic and empire.


Sith corruption causes your character's skin to turn paler (unless it already starts out pale). At full corruption, your original colour (e.g. red) is more of a slight hue, with your character having primarily pale skin.


So if you start with a red zabrak, your character will become distinctly pink in the early-mid dark side levels, but will end up as virtually white (complete with red eyes, blackened and sunken eye-sockets and veiny corruption all over the place).


You can always turn it off, should it bother you.

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Cool, that clarifies it, thanks for the info guys. And the pic of the republic Zabrak helps a lot too, much appreciated. So it looks like the skin tone doesn't change at all for the republic Zabrak other than the additional black circles around the eyes and mouth, and of course the eye color change as well.


Anyone got Mirialan sith corruption they want to share? I can put something together if there's more interest in this.




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