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The harsh tale of my last 24 hours of playing SWTOR


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Hard to have faith in a game developer that puts getting the number of elevators ingame into the Book of World Records above making mirror classes actually balanced.


Long-time Bioware fan here too. Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2, KOTOR 1 and 2. Played a bit of a friend's Dragon Age. Now a disappointed Bioware fan suspecting industrial sabotage from EA. At least, I hope so rather than believe Bioware would do this on purpose.

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I just take my money elsewhere and check back every now and again to see if they've lifted their game.
The only problem with checking back in is that eventually the population distills down to purely fanboys, so even if the game's down to one server they're still telling you that it's awesome.
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Wow, almost every gamebreaking issue happened to you in that short of a time frame. Brutal.


Calling renegadeimp here to tell you everything is ok.




Where is she/he This person need's a Hug. Can i have one has well.


How come i can post, Strange

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This will be a coolstorybro tale of woe, bugs, and exploits from someone who has defended this game repeatedly and received abuse for doing so.


Yesterday I wanted to play my favorite current addiction SWTOR. Queue for PVP, and when I try to enter, I'm kicked out of the game to the character selection screen.


Then my friend comes on and wants to run Foundry HM. So I think, sure, why not? PVP isn't working. Everything is going smooth in Foundry, even the HK fight until a point where HK gets a buff he's not supposed to and one shots our party. Try again, same. Try again, same. We die 5 times hoping this will stop happening.


Demoralizied, our group disbands. My friend and I are getting frustrated, we need a confidence booster. So we PUG a D7 HM group. Get to the clone boss and infinite clones start spawning. Three bug-ridden deaths later we call it a night.


This morning I'm ready to wash the fail away. PUG a group for normal mode False Emperor. The tank unfortunately loses his ability to move in the middle of some big pulls. Twice. We manage because this is normal mode, thank God it wasn't HM or we'd never have finished. He had to relog twice btw and me once for lag issues.


I come back from work tonight and get slammed over and over again by the same premade guild. They predictably wipe the floor with our group who have no premades. This goes on for 1.5 hours, with my faction deciding to camp one objective for medals with no enemy in sight. Daydreaming of what cross-server PVP would be like, I wander to Ilum for dailies and notice a box that says "NO OBJECT", the same box I've been seeing for weeks. 30 minutes later the dailies have bored me and I queue for PVP again. Again, the same guild. But we take a 1-0 lead in Huttball, and just as I feel that finally FINALLY I could be on the winning end of a warzone against this guild, the game freezes and crashes robbing me of 4 commendations and a victory.


I don't often throw controllers but my headset is on the ground right now, thankfully it's light and I didn't toss it very hard. It was just the culmination of 2 straight days in SWTOR of buggy, brutal failure.


Look, I've been a loyal Bioware fan ever since I bought that gothic, glossy Baldur's Gate box with those glorious 5 CD's over 10 years ago. The spiral bound manual full of funny asides and medieval-feeling script is something I will never forget. We've had our ups and downs but almost always ups. You're my favorite developer by a mile.


BUT you have got to get a handle on the quality control in this game. If this had been any other developer, I would not be giving them the benefit of the doubt. I always have time for Bioware, though. Your name and reputation are the only things keeping my hope in this game alive. Please please please do something about these issues that have (as I was later informed) been around for months.





Bioware fanatic since 1999



I think your taking the game too seriously, after all it is just a game. Problems in game are trivial in comparison to RL. This is not a flame;)

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I'm sorry but the thing you need to remember here is that the BioWare who made Baldur's Gate is dead and gone. This is EA. Once you realize that BW is just an empty name of past glories the bugs become a bit more acceptable.


Sorry about your bad luck run. Take a few days off and come back to it, you'll be fine.

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I'm with the OP. For me, it's harder because most of my friends quit after the first month, so it's next to impossible to find a HM group. PvP is 2/3 premades farming pugs. This is aside from all the bugs. I cannot play Ilum at all, despite having a $1200 custom built PC that is only 10 month old, for example.


It's sad, I looked forward to this game ever since it was just a rumor, and now I can barely bring myself to log in once a day. I really hope they get a handle on this. I have patience, but it's closing in on 2 months, with the only gamebreaking bug that has even been touched is the ability delay, which still occurs, just not as severely.


I don't expect this game to be a WoW clone with 7 years of polish, but something needs to happen. If patch 1.2 doesn't address some of the major problems, it may be time to move on.

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