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Khem val is totally useless and needs to die painfully.


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Really, what purpose does he serve? His DPS is crap, and unless you spend 200k gearing him out in oranges every five levels, he is the squishiest and single worst tank in the known universe.



Can we either toughen him up or jsut remove him from the game? His constant emo bullcrap would be tolerable IF HE WASN'T USELESS. Unfortunately, this is not the case, making it either stupidly expensive, or impossible to level as a sorcerer. If you're thinking of making one, I would strongly suggest against it unless you have bags of money to throw at khem for gear, or perhaps if you're just a masochist and enjoy dying constantly because khem gets one shot on every pack of mobs with a strong in it =.=

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Cool story bro.


Especially with a sorc. You got a shield and heals...


What level are you exactly?



A shield that pops two seconds after khem dies four seconds into a fight, and heals that take so long to cast their worthless. I either sit there spamming heals on khem, which takes forever to kill anything, or I let him die and pray I kill the mobs myself before I die too.



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All tanking companions feel like they're weaker than a wet paper towel right now - and it's because they were nerfed across the board towards the end of beta.



Back when i was playing beta, all tanking companions received a bonus to armor rating while in their guard/defense stance - 60% to be precise. That's equivalent to the armor boost that player tanks get while in their tanking stance.


Having that 60% extra armor actually let them stand up to a few targets without getting wtfpwned in a few seconds, and without needing constant spam healing. The problem (according to bioware) is that healing-specced players were able to solo heroic 4 content too easily, so tanking companions had the armor buff removed. Now, they're useless to anyone except a healer specced player, and even then you still have to spam heal them in order to keep them alive, preventing you from adding any damage to the fight yourself.


I could see them cutting that armor buff down, but they shouldnt have removed it entirely.

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A shield that pops two seconds after khem dies four seconds into a fight, and heals that take so long to cast their worthless. I either sit there spamming heals on khem, which takes forever to kill anything, or I let him die and pray I kill the mobs myself before I die too.





What in the world are you fighting lol sorc so far is pretty much easy mode with bubbles. So far in comparison to leveling my 50 SIN its a walk in the park.


Same with my OPS me and K kill so fast we hardly take any damage unless an elite mob and I just keep TA up and heal k with 0 trouble.


Oh OP have you turned all his skills on? As our companions level they get new skills just the game doesn't turn them on or tell you about them lol.

Edited by LordbishopX
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Bad player does not mean bad companion.


Anecdotal exaggerations make terrible forum posts. I use all my companions at different times for different things. Just because you don't know how to use Khem, doesn't make HIM bad.


He is actually one of the better all around companions, he cannot heal, but if you gear him right, he is ok dps and if you gear him as a tank, he does just fine for my Sorc. I have tanked fps with him, I can solo all the dailies with him.

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You need to spend some time trying different strategies. Leveling a sorcerer is easy street friend. Once you get the next companion don't look back. He will take you to 50 and full epic level gear.


Until you start passing Champion and Columni pieces down to one of your future companions, it's not even close.


Gear your companions as you do yourself. I've elected to take companion gear over and upgrade of my own. You wont regret it.

Edited by Ochad
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Did anyone who replied to this even bother to read my first post? Not just skim it? I am SURE that if I were to throw bags of money at the GTM Khem would be better then most player tanks, but I said REPEATEDLY I'm not willing to do that. So, read the OP, or just don't bother to reply, because you'll promptly be ignored.
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Did anyone who replied to this even bother to read my first post? Not just skim it? I am SURE that if I were to throw bags of money at the GTM Khem would be better then most player tanks, but I said REPEATEDLY I'm not willing to do that. So, read the OP, or just don't bother to reply, because you'll promptly be ignored.


We did, and you need to learn to manage him better. You can put him in greens up to his level and he'd do fine as a tank. And don't forget to enable Shadow whatever which is is tanking stance and be sure to look over his abilities and activate to your liking.


If you're not even willing to gear him in greens, or give him the quest rewards dropped that have companion gear, then please don't complain about him not being useful. The game was designed to need a companion for solo questing, not keeping him geared is as good as not keeping yourself geared. This is like saying, "I want to raid HM Ops but I'm not willing to do my dailies/FPs and get some raid-ready gear first." You know what that results in? You with 12k hp getting two-shotted by HM boss abilities.

Edited by jkcheng
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We did, and you need to learn to manage him better. You can put him in greens up to his level and he'd do fine as a tank. And don't forget to enable Shadow whatever which is is tanking stance and be sure to look over his abilities and activate to your liking.




He has greens up to his level, and he is still crap.

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He has greens up to his level, and he is still crap.


Are you fighting mobs above your level, if you're not, then I have to question your skills. I leveled with Khem almost all way to 50, switching to Xalek when I got him around 47/48 and then Talos for the very last fight. Khem has never been a problem for me and I'm a squishy assassin who can neither heal nor bubble him.


I didn't throw a ton of money at him for gear either. I had Cybertech as crewskill and made Armoring for his gear. Are you putting greens with tanking stats on him?

Edited by jkcheng
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Oh we understood that you are part of the kiddy generation that wants everything handed to them and doesn't want to actually work for anything.


You know, like take the time to gear your companion up so he is effective. Nah, you just wanna slap any old drop on him, light armor with willpower and have him be the Ubermensch.


Doesn't work that way. You want him to be effective, put some effort into it. Your laziness does not mean he is bad. You reap what you sow.


TL: DR "Oh noes, I can't solo H4s with a companion decked out in burlap armor, he must be teh suck"

Edited by Kantoro
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Khem Val is the best tank out of all the tanking companions. AFAIK he's the only one that can heal himself a bit incombat, and also he has the +20% armor skill. There are tanking companions that don't have EITHER of those 2.


I think Xalek has the Consume Essence ability also.

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I leveled as a healer and used Khem until Xalek was assigned to me. I one shotted most of the content (the straightforward stuff at least) and all I did for gear was taking the tank version of whatever Quest rewards were. Granted he did most of the DPS, but leveling to 50 still took under 20 hours IIRC.
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Oh we understood that you are part of the kiddy generation that wants everything handed to them and doesn't want to actually work for anything.


You know, like take the time to gear your companion up so he is effective. Nah, you just wanna slap any old drop on him, light armor with willpower and have him be the Ubermensch.


Doesn't work that way. You want him to be effective, put some effort into it. Your laziness does not mean he is bad. You reap what you sow.


TL: DR "Oh noes, I can't solo H4s with a companion decked out in burlap armor, he must be teh suck"


You're obvioustrolling and IM the child? Interesting logic you have there. Maybe you should put your dictionary away, because believe it or not, a little proper grammar and big words isn't going to scare everyone in the internet into thinking you're intelligent, which you clearly aren't.

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I can figure out how to utilize a companion, all you can do is whine. I am pretty confident in which of us is more intelligent. But carry on, I am sure your complaint is valid. Really, so many people agree with you.


Have you tried stomping your foot real hard?

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It looks like most of the folks in this thread have leveled with Khem without issue (including myself).


Logically, when others are doing fine and you're not - it's not them, it's you.


Khem was my go-to leveling as a Healer 100%. I did give him upgrades over taking them for myself. I leveled Synthweaving and geared him (and myself) with my own crafting skills. The only items I bought for both of us were ear pieces and implants.


Keep him under Static Barrier, drop the HoT on him and focus your attacks on the mobs he is on. Check his own skills carefully. Every patch, I notice that my companions get reset to default selections so I check them all regularly.


I use Andronikus for my go-to DPS guy. He and I cut through non-Strong mobs like a hot knife through butter.

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Are you using a different Khem Val than I am? I ask because the khem Val I use can tank excellently. My Sorceror is able to take on plus-one-level elites and (once, by accident) a same-level champion.


I keep Khem in really good greens and blues and my sorceror in anything with Willpower (since nothing ever hits my Sorc I don't care about armour).


You companion is part of your character - you have to keep them geared. Saying "i'm not willing to buy gear for companion" is exactly the same as saying "i'm not willing to buy gear for my Sorceror".


My suggestions (you may already be doing some of these, of course).

- END gear for Khem, rather than STR.

- Equip a shield item in his offhand.

- Open the Companion Toolbar, make sure all the abilities you want are activated (the green button).

- Send Khem in to tank (Ctl+1 key), shield him while he is running in.

- Let Khem tank the biggest mob while you pick off the others in order from weakest up.




Edit: Added shield.

Edited by Havokk
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