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Engineer: Vital Regulators vs Vitality Serum


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I'm curious to see everyone's take on this. I've heard from all sides, but would like to see what people here have to say about it.



Personally, I find that Vital Regulators have saved my life on more than one occasion both in PvP, and while leveling.



But i've now reached lvl 50, and it's a whole new playing field...



The way I look at it, since i'm most likely to consistently be paired up with a healer (also from my guild), the measely 6% HP recovery can be overlooked (although it does stack-up over time to quite a considerable amount). As for the tiny END Boost, i heard someone say it's only a boost to the 'bonus' amount of Endurance. I'm not quite sure that that bonus is anyway...



So i'd like to hear more on this.


Thanks. ^_^




EDIT: on a side-note...that 30% speed-decrease with Interogation Probe skill is basically only useful in Huttball, or to keep someone at distance.....right? Well, it came in handy a lot, but i can spend those 2 points somewhere more valuable...

Edited by xMrHappyx
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EDIT: on a side-note...that 30% speed-decrease with Interogation Probe skill is basically only useful in Huttball, or to keep someone at distance.....right? Well, it came in handy a lot, but i can spend those 2 points somewhere more valuable...

30% slow on probe is awesome, don't even think twice if it's for PvP purposes.

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The 4% on Vitality Serum is on Endurance rather than Health. Your Health is a combination of base Health and bonus Health. Base Health is the same for all classes of a given level. Bonus Health comes from Endurance. So if you up Endurance by 4%, you are only upping Health by a little more than 3%. I did a big write-up about this in my comments on Vitality Serum on torhead.com. Check it out if you want the gory details.


So is 3% more Health all of the time worth more or less than 6% more Health some of the time? That 6% will be wasted if you are at full Health already or if you die before it finishes healing, but it could be situationally useful. To me it's a wash.


The thing that might sway me toward Vitality Serum is the fact that the Biochem re-useable Rakata med pack temporarily adds 15% to your max health when you use it. In that case, having a higher max Health from Vitality Serum would make this even higher.


In short, I don't think either is going to be that great, but neither are a waste of points either.

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Thx for the feedback guys.



I already moved the points I had from Vital Regulators into Lethality (+6% crit worth it).


And i'm considering moving the 2 points from Vitality Serum to something else, if I see more value in it.



Although I do miss the 30% slow effect on interrogation probe when i play huttball, that really was the only place where it ever came in handy...... in retrospect, seems kind of wasted.

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I'm surprise you didn't have the +6% crit anyway.


As for interrogation probe, I couldn't do without it endgame.


If I pull aggro on an elite in HM I can slow either tank grabs aggro or we DPS burn it down.



I personally don't have either health boosts. I found them both lacking for 2 skill points worth.

No idea where my spec differs but I can't say I've need the health abilities at all.

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Yeah I realize I could've had that 6% crit boost since the start....oh well.



I do miss that interrogation probe slow-effect.... might add it again. we'll see, i'm still trying out new things. I guess it does come in handy in other areas than Huttball, when slowing down and advancing aggro'd MOB for example. (and god i miss it in huttball.... felt so much more useful when i always probed the ball-carrier)

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For engineers, regulators is more valuable since you'll be using a. probe frequently with the EMP combo.


For the other specs, regulators still will provide more survivability in any drawn out fights. However, it's sort of a "meh" choice in that neither are great and there is no reason to specifically target either.

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