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New 50, useless in warzones?


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This post is laughable. Its so wrong it hurts my eyes.


As a fresh 50 with blues and 48-50 armaments and a lv 50 weapon I was doing 400-1K damage vs people hitting me for 3.5K-5K. This is like at minimum a 3:1 difference in damage output and defense. and while the stat increases might yield a 15% difference, the 400 expertise puts all that over the top.


Congrats on being bad. If you're expecting a 300% increase in damage done by wearing PVP gear, you're in for a nasty surprise. I'll do you a favour and tell you to just quit PVP now before you waste your time.


You won't see a 300% damage increase. As I said, do the math.

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This post is laughable. Its so wrong it hurts my eyes.


As a fresh 50 with blues and 48-50 armaments and a lv 50 weapon I was doing 400-1K damage vs people hitting me for 3.5K-5K. This is like at minimum a 3:1 difference in damage output and defense. and while the stat increases might yield a 15% difference, the 400 expertise puts all that over the top.


... except what you're reporting isn't game mechanically possible....


and the stat difference between rating 124/level 50 purples and champion gear is.. not even 5%, and the only thing really bringing their damage up at all IS the expertise.

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You did it wrong. I have a friend in full centurion gear and he dinged 50 a week ago. His first day he was in 4 pieces of pvp gear.


saved 1000/1000 + extra bag in inventory + dailies on ding day = gear enough to contribute

Edited by gryhmr
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Since hitting 50 as a marauder I've noticed that regardless of what I do in a warzone, I'm fairly useless.


Yes, a fresh 50 is totally useless in PvP.


Just to test the difference when my Jugg alt hit 50 i did 3 WZs in normal gear. I could only get 4 or 5 medals and i was getting completely destroyed.


I opened my 6 bags, did my Ilum daily and weekly, then grinded WZ daily and weekly. The problem was instantly fixed.


Dont let people fool you, skill only matters in lvl 50 PvP once gear allows it.

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Exactly. I hit 50 with 1 valor. It was before the bag change and it took me 3 weeks or so to get decent gear. Now people are getting it in a week. No one wants to work for anything anymore...




/end the next 1000 threads about this topic.

Edited by Caeliux
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