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A Symptom of Imbalance.


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First thing I want to say is "Dear God!" I play both Imperial and Repub on Eidilon Security, I started with an Imp Sorc, pvp'ed till 50 and rolled both a commando and juggernaut which I play back and forth. At first for about a month Imperials rolled Repub. After that the Repub started to learn how to play and now it's opposite, in the sub-50 Warzones the imperials are losing 6-7 out of 10 now, which is fine. All the whiners, which btw are almost always the crappy pvpers quit, or re-rolled leaving the Repubs with their good pvpers and now they are organized, and outright nasty and yes I may want to slap myself sometimes but I do not complain about and start a thread whining that Imps are OP, etc..


#1 Rule in Warzones, tactics > gear. Simple, if you can get the neackbeards in the WZ with you to work as a team you will win regardless of gear.


#2 Rule in Warzones, FOCUS THE F'ING HEALERS! It is so often, with me being a healer on two classes, and melee on another that I witness majority of people on BOTH sides not doing this. Put 2-3 people on a healer and guess what they cant heal from interrupts and being dead.


#3 Rule in Warzones, Utilize your stealthies, in Void everyone BUT stealthies attack only one side, and when opposing team is ingrossed in pew pew on other side a stealthy can easily plant the bomb. Same with Civil War.


#4 Rule in Warzones and number 1 in huttball, PASS THE F'ING BALL FFS! It only takes two people most of the times to cap, one person picks it up another like a sorc/sage/assassin/shadow gets up top or past the vents and receives the ball and bam! score.


It really is simple to win. Again Tactics > Gear.


As far as "Premades" go just grab three other guys group queue and you have half the team that will work as a unit, that is far better and increases a win by tenfold. A good team of 4 people working together with strategy can win almost everytime. Just be smart, quit crying and work to figure out a way to win.


Centurion/Beretta/I'am/I'are Eidilon Security

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First thing I want to say is "Dear God!" I play both Imperial and Repub on Eidilon Security, I started with an Imp Sorc, pvp'ed till 50 and rolled both a commando and juggernaut which I play back and forth. At first for about a month Imperials rolled Repub. After that the Repub started to learn how to play and now it's opposite, in the sub-50 Warzones the imperials are losing 6-7 out of 10 now, which is fine. All the whiners, which btw are almost always the crappy pvpers quit, or re-rolled leaving the Repubs with their good pvpers and now they are organized, and outright nasty and yes I may want to slap myself sometimes but I do not complain about and start a thread whining that Imps are OP, etc..


#1 Rule in Warzones, tactics > gear. Simple, if you can get the neackbeards in the WZ with you to work as a team you will win regardless of gear.


#2 Rule in Warzones, FOCUS THE F'ING HEALERS! It is so often, with me being a healer on two classes, and melee on another that I witness majority of people on BOTH sides not doing this. Put 2-3 people on a healer and guess what they cant heal from interrupts and being dead.


#3 Rule in Warzones, Utilize your stealthies, in Void everyone BUT stealthies attack only one side, and when opposing team is ingrossed in pew pew on other side a stealthy can easily plant the bomb. Same with Civil War.


#4 Rule in Warzones and number 1 in huttball, PASS THE F'ING BALL FFS! It only takes two people most of the times to cap, one person picks it up another like a sorc/sage/assassin/shadow gets up top or past the vents and receives the ball and bam! score.


It really is simple to win. Again Tactics > Gear.


As far as "Premades" go just grab three other guys group queue and you have half the team that will work as a unit, that is far better and increases a win by tenfold. A good team of 4 people working together with strategy can win almost everytime. Just be smart, quit crying and work to figure out a way to win.


Centurion/Beretta/I'am/I'are Eidilon Security


This seems to be directed at me, so I'll hit it. You'll note I did not say that any particular faction is overpowered. In fact, all the contributing factors I listed are applicable to either faction and, depending on your server's population balance, could apply to either.


1.) Yes, tactics are superior to gear. People often mention that as though that means we need not examine how gear is implemented and distributed. As if it is inconsequential. I do not believe that to be the case. In fact, I believe when a server significantly breaks from a 50/50 win to loss ratio it is often due to a number of minor causes (as opposed to a single powerful cause) and that a number of them, such as superior skill, do not need addressed at all. Gear, I believe, should be examined.


2 - 4.) This is correct but not a factor I'm looking at since it afflicts both sides in equal proportion and is a result of tactical organization.


"It really is simple to win."


I laugh every time I read this. The ideal split for PvP is 50 / 50. I do not consider something I am only successful at half the time 'easy' and I don't think PvP should be 'easy.' I think this assertion speaks to the experience of a person who had the benefit of being in a PvP oriented guild, geared quickly, and enjoyed a significant population imbalance in their favor. For some people PvP is very easy and for others nearly impossible. It should be challenging.


I also never made reference to premade groups. While I do not personally enter the game with a group of PvP ready friends, I am not specifically upset some people did and I'm not sure they need a separate bracket.


"Just be smart, quit crying and work to figure out a way to win."


I actually rank highest in contribution medals in almost every match I play and I repeatedly call out incoming opponents or suggest strategies in chat, sometimes to a non-responsive group. I still do it every single time. When you post a comment like this, you must realize you are dismissing, not addressing, a person's statements. If that was your goal, you shouldn't have said anything else because that final statement invalidates it all by poisoning the discourse. You're suggesting that PvP is easy and if no one else is as fortuitous as you they are incapable, whining children. It is the essence of a privileged position.

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First thing I want to say is "Dear God!" I play both Imperial and Repub on Eidilon Security, I started with an Imp Sorc, pvp'ed till 50 and rolled both a commando and juggernaut which I play back and forth. At first for about a month Imperials rolled Repub. After that the Repub started to learn how to play and now it's opposite, in the sub-50 Warzones the imperials are losing 6-7 out of 10 now, which is fine. All the whiners, which btw are almost always the crappy pvpers quit, or re-rolled leaving the Repubs with their good pvpers and now they are organized, and outright nasty and yes I may want to slap myself sometimes but I do not complain about and start a thread whining that Imps are OP, etc..




ok **** and return when you're 50 and losing 9 out of 10 just like 99% of republic players minus the 3-4 servers that have a different experience.

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As a whole on my server I would say the republic side is more skilled. If the Ilum ratio is 1.5:1, we will generally come out ahead. In wz's where teams are even the whole game, we win almost every time. On average it takes me only 4-5 WZ queues a day to get my daily done.


The secret to this success? Good use of the /who command and communication between all the different 50's.

Edited by BrotardNosef
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