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I am bored, the game is dying, listen to me etc etc


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How many times have I heard this over the years. As a matter of fact you can go read WoW's forums right now and see the same things being said. As of right now there are at least 5 topics on the front page of WoW with people wondering why that game is not fun anymore. The most vivid replies are the game has no sense of community and Blizzard made everything casual easy mode instant gratification based. The same things people are saying if this game doesn't do we are DOOMED to fail. I truly hope Bioware doesn't give into the people whining on here because they have already ruined every other MMO that has launched to compete with WoW and they will try their best to ruin this one.


The key to this game surviving long term is to increase raid/fp content, give reasons for people to explore the universe such as dynamic content/planet invasions etc, add exciting features outside of raid content ie special gear sets to quest for, and put in a system that helps with population balances for pvp. The game in itself is fun and the people that are crying how bored they are will be bored no matter what game they are playing. It is imperative that this game continues to forward in the devs vision and make the game world alive and useful far outside of questing. That is the key to success that you can see has made games in the past popular, anything that eliminates travel and makes the game facebook friendly is what ultimately will kill the game.

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This is new and refreshing.


PS New content will not make this game last. The main reason MMOs are successful past a niche audience is accessibility to the content. Right now, getting into groups for FPs is too difficult. Also, some of the content is made irrelevant from a gearing standpoint because of the relatively easy and quick dailies in Ilum.

Edited by Knewt
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the people who quit wow because they are bored of it, will surely be bored ow swtor aswell.


what i really dont get is your point on subscribers.. In persepective,

In bewtween 2010 and 2011 WoW subscribers dropped from 11.3 million to 10.3 million.

so a 1 million loss in one year.


SWTOR got slightly above the 4million mark at launch. after that it lost subscribers, the last numbers i heard was 1.7 or more probably 1.3 with the less optimistic saying 900k.


Now SWTOR lost between 2 and 3 million clients in less than 4 months.


SUmmarizing, SWTOR has LESS clients than WOW but has in lost MORE players in the last 4 months than wow has in the last year.


this means that the % of quitters of swtor in compare is... skyrocketing

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the sky is falling and we all are doomed...


I have 2 50's and am quitting since no endgame whatsoever...


ummm...oh yeah...


I'm elite and better than all you nooblets and can ran't on here due to my superiority...


if any of the above you don't agree with or have any alternative opinion to then you just don't get it and therefor your opinion is automatically withdrawn from my processing of logic.

Edited by montanabrand
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Hello everyone,


While we understand that players can be frustrated with the community at times, please understand that threads like this (even when made with good intentions) tend to result in flame wars and have little room for constructive discussion. In the future, we encourage you to create threads that foster constructive discussion and not ones which criticize the community.


We appreciate your understanding that we've closed this thread!

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