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Kill Stealing


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So I got into an argument on Ilum yesterday that was essentially about kill stealing. One player asserted that he was sick of "[enemy faction] players stealing his kills". I said that "unless he has actually tagged the mobs then they are not actually 'his' and are still legitimate targets". A few players seemed to take exception to this calling me all a variety of names and claiming to blacklist me from any pug op going, the usual mmo grandstanding that scared the bejaysus out of me let me tell you ;).


The way I figured it is this: If Im questing in an area that has allot of players and very few mobs, Im going to be doing my best to grab every free mob I can handle to finish my quest faster and move on to the next area (and watch some more lovely cinematics). I will even go so far as to help kill mobs others players have tagged to speed up the respawn.

Granted there is a degree of etiquette in all this, if there is another target I will go for that one instead. Im not talking about following someone around and griefing them, simply that when certain resources (mobs) are scarce then competition for those resources intensifies.


This apparently makes me a bad player and a terrible human being.


So what do others think; If you're struggling to find mobs to finish a quest and you see another player pulling a group of 5 and only tagging 1 mob do you swoop in and kill them or do you politely stand around waiting for a respawn and hoping you're quicker off the mark than the next guy? (this assumes ofc that you cant/wont group up for whatever reason)

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So I got into an argument on Ilum yesterday that was essentially about kill stealing. One player asserted that he was sick of "[enemy faction] players stealing his kills". I said that "unless he has actually tagged the mobs then they are not actually 'his' and are still legitimate targets". A few players seemed to take exception to this calling me all a variety of names and claiming to blacklist me from any pug op going, the usual mmo grandstanding that scared the bejaysus out of me let me tell you ;).


The way I figured it is this: If Im questing in an area that has allot of players and very few mobs, Im going to be doing my best to grab every free mob I can handle to finish my quest faster and move on to the next area (and watch some more lovely cinematics). I will even go so far as to help kill mobs others players have tagged to speed up the respawn.

Granted there is a degree of etiquette in all this, if there is another target I will go for that one instead. Im not talking about following someone around and griefing them, simply that when certain resources (mobs) are scarce then competition for those resources intensifies.


This apparently makes me a bad player and a terrible human being.


So what do others think; If you're struggling to find mobs to finish a quest and you see another player pulling a group of 5 and only tagging 1 mob do you swoop in and kill them or do you politely stand around waiting for a respawn and hoping you're quicker off the mark than the next guy? (this assumes ofc that you cant/wont group up for whatever reason)


If someone has already pulled the group, even though they may have only tagged one of that group, then I move on and find another group or wait for respawns.


Otherwise, if I finish my mob first and the other person has not tagged a group then I will.

Edited by CeruleanNite
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If they're not paying for your gametime, i see little reason for them to tell you how you should play.


I pretty much do it the same way you do, including assisting people to get faster respawns. i taunt mobs that are about to kill someone as well. i might be Sith, but i'm still a good sport.

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If they're not paying for your gametime, i see little reason for them to tell you how you should play.


I pretty much do it the same way you do, including assisting people to get faster respawns. i taunt mobs that are about to kill someone as well. i might be Sith, but i'm still a good sport.


LoL always love the scum you get in MMO. 'If they are paying for your account they can’t tell you how you should play' Your right they can’t be a little basic decency should come into play here. You are playing with other players other real people, you should treat them as such, unless you are a child, then its forgivable.


If someone drops their wallet and you see it and pick it up do you keep it thinking 'Well he didnt buy my food that provided me the energy to pick it up'


If a kid runs out into the road do you brake? Or do you think. 'Well he isnt paying for the wear and tear on my break pads'

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a little basic decency should come into play here. You are playing with other players other real people, you should treat them as such


I agree, if another mob is available I go for that. Keep in mind Im not talking about deliberate griefing here, simply being more ruthless when mobs are scarce and there is high competition for them

Edited by Parraz
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LoL always love the scum you get in MMO. 'If they are paying for your account they can’t tell you how you should play' Your right they can’t be a little basic decency should come into play here. You are playing with other players other real people, you should treat them as such, unless you are a child, then its forgivable.


If someone drops their wallet and you see it and pick it up do you keep it thinking 'Well he didnt buy my food that provided me the energy to pick it up'


If a kid runs out into the road do you brake? Or do you think. 'Well he isnt paying for the wear and tear on my break pads'


you *could* interpret it like that if you want. but if you link it with the OP and the followup that i behave pretty much like OP when i play it might not be interpreted like that.


What i meant was that if he's not paying for my gametime, he cant tell me that i should wait until he's finished. if we're in the same area, grinding the same mobs, deal with it. noone is more entitled to the mobs. I always pick unenganged mobs before enganged mobs, even if i can tag the engaged ones getting the kill. It's rude an unnecessary. But if we are 5 people competing for the same mobs, and people are kill-tagging i got no problem diving into that hole.

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  • 2 months later...
Yesterday when I was driving down the highway this old lady was in the lane I wanted to be in, SO I *********** CUT HER OFF AND SLAMMED ON MY BRAKES SO SHE ALMOST DIED. She doesn't make my car payment afterall, so she's not going to tell me how to drive.
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I was doing the plague event dailies the other day when I got to the infected shaman. Someone was there fighting the thing so I helped them complete since you can't spawn another when one already exists.


Well, right as I was about to kick the bucket (mean that literally, as in the shaman's bucket thing) I end up throwing up from plague sickness preventing me from doing so.


Well, some mid-level guy comes up and sees me standing there throwing up on the bucket, and decides he has no reason to wait, spawning his own shaman.


I say nothing, just stand there. The nearby roaming wraid aggroes on him.

I just stand there.

His companion aggroes the nearby sand people + bantha.

I continue standing there.

He dies.

I kick bucket, fight shaman. Guy rezzes, "helps" (rather ineffectually) against my shaman again aggroes wraid. I kill shaman, kill wraid, heal up, and help guy kill his shaman.


I dunno if the guy learned anything, but hey, I was satisfied. :cool:


PS: What's this got to do with PvP anyways? :confused:

Edited by Xaearth
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  • 3 months later...

In the time I've been playing MMO's, I've noticed the attitude on this change. When I first started, it was simple: If someone's fighting a mob and they're doing fine, it's not your place to jump in unless they ask. If they're not doing so well, you can do what you can to support them (buffs, heals, whatever), but, again, you don't jump in unless they ask for help.


I still play by this. If I'm doing a quest that require X amount of mob Y, and someone is alread fighting said mob, I'll stand off to the side and wait for a re-spawn unless invited to join in. Needless to say, I do get annoyed when I'm in a fight, doing just fine, and someone decides to jump in. I don't usually say anything, though. I just accept it as the way things have gone in MMO's.


What really pisses me off, though, is people like the one I encountered yesterday. I was fighting a mob (can you still call 1 strong enemy a mob?). Doing just fine (He was down to 1/2 health, my companion was down by about 1/8, and I was at full). Some random Marauder dives in, finishes off my target, then expects me to say thank you. He seemed a little peeved that I not only didn't say thank you, but left without saying anything. (He's on my ignore list, now, since he wouldn't leave well enough alone.) I will happily say thank you if I'm having a hard time of it and you heal me, but in a situation like that, you'll be ignored.

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The way I figured it is this: If Im questing in an area that has allot of players and very few mobs, Im going to be doing my best to grab every free mob I can handle to finish my quest faster )


Really? I invite them so we can group up so everyone gets their mission done faster so we can all move on.

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  • 6 months later...

Question on this: up until this point I've never had this problem, but today I got reported and complained about when I was helping out a friend on Tython with an end-game character that I was already on. The people didn't like that I was killing the mobs ahead and around my friend, who had just started the game. I read this thread, and I'm pretty sure there's nothing wrong with what I was doing, considering that I helped another 3 or 4 friends there when they'd just started, and I helped a friend who is now lvl30-ish when I was several levels lower. What do you all think? I'd really like to hear from you all.



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