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Merc Healer PVP Build


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Hit 50 this past week and to this point I have been avoiding BG's. My current build is 32 Ars/9 BG but I found quickly that the cast times for missles in BG was a tough sell. I want to focus on healing but need to completely alter my build. I love the CC of Unload but that requires 23 pts in Ars which may not leave enough for healing. I would appreciate if those with experience as a Merc Healer in PVP would share their build and thought process as to why they went a certain direction. Thanks.
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being healer in wz means less medal. you need to work hard to earn more than 4 medal.


as oppose being arsenal you just standing spam tracer, railshot/heatseeker, you'll get 5 medal.


hybrid build is not advisable for new 50's. as Sun Tzu saying goes, If you want to be strong in both, you going to be weak in both.


if you go dps. try to build max dmg as in pve. ignore pvp talent atm. you need dmg to kill as your crit against 500expertise is most likely 1.2k.


as BG, get any dmg red + healing received coz you going to selfheal most of the time. don't forget muzzle fluting & no heat cc talent coz you need to hit all opponent around you to get credit.



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There is a thread stickies in the Merc sub-forum for this. You guys really need to learn to look or search for these things.


If you don't take the above advice (likely), then a hybrid 24/17/0 or something similar has been proven to be effective; however, this all means bumpkiss if you're a fresh 50 expecting to be of any use but to be a distraction while a ball carrier is going for a score. DPS in PVP From a new 50 onto a full BM/Champ is like a mosquito bite.


Your best bet is to go full BG until you gear up. Read the posts in the Merc forums...there's 100s of 'em.

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I was pyro when i hit 50, but quickly learned that i was next to useless at killing people with expertice. So i went BG in an attempt to be more useful to the team. Turns out I really enjoyed healing (sure I get a couple less medals) because I felt like a more crucial part of the team and that I was doing something more important than spamming tracer as an alternative spec. So ive stayed BG, and I've found that I win more often, since one healer can really make a difference in pug groups. I might go back to pyro at some point but I'm currently in all cent/champ combat medics gear. Just my personal experience with the same issue.
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being healer in wz means less medal. you need to work hard to earn more than 4 medal.


as oppose being arsenal you just standing spam tracer, railshot/heatseeker, you'll get 5 medal.


hybrid build is not advisable for new 50's. as Sun Tzu saying goes, If you want to be strong in both, you going to be weak in both.


if you go dps. try to build max dmg as in pve. ignore pvp talent atm. you need dmg to kill as your crit against 500expertise is most likely 1.2k.


as BG, get any dmg red + healing received coz you going to selfheal most of the time. don't forget muzzle fluting & no heat cc talent coz you need to hit all opponent around you to get credit.



Not that hard to obtain more medals as a healer :)http://img263.imageshack.us/img263/2043/screenshot2012022101052.jpg
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In my opinion warzones shouldnt be about medals, wish they would remove them from the game.


But yeah you do get less medals if you go full healer:




I usually get more dmg but in this case I was either saving someone from being killed all the time or running and los enemies, so little room to do damage.

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I was pyro when i hit 50, but quickly learned that i was next to useless at killing people with expertice. So i went BG in an attempt to be more useful to the team. Turns out I really enjoyed healing (sure I get a couple less medals) because I felt like a more crucial part of the team and that I was doing something more important than spamming tracer as an alternative spec. So ive stayed BG, and I've found that I win more often, since one healer can really make a difference in pug groups. I might go back to pyro at some point but I'm currently in all cent/champ combat medics gear. Just my personal experience with the same issue.


My thoughts exactly. Being a healer means putting others before you. As a healer you have 1 job: keep the team alive. If you can't take satisfaction from keeping teammates alive and winning because of that, maybe healing isn't for you. And as a side note, I regularly get 5-6 medals as a healer. I'm fine with that.

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I play a merc healer as my pvp alt. I don't mix and match but run a pure healing build and I get plenty of medals anyways. Usually end up at 6 in huttball and 7 or 8 in voidstar. Civil War tends to be lower on the medals but more healing done overall. Usually I pick a tank and follow him around annoying the crap out of pubs :p


I use one of the pure builds posted in the sticky. Works wonders with nice healing and good survivability :)

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This is the build that I currently use. It maxes survivability and is pretty awesome when you are a little low on gear. I only have a few pieces of Champ gear and I am still usually top heals in almost every warzone. If you can stay alive you can heal more. Always, always use kolto missle every cooldown as it buffs all your other heals. You also want to pop supercharged gas and kolto missle (10% DR) then spam healing scan for the hot and 10% armor buff.


You can keep alot of players up this way even by yourself. If your running with a group that already has good gear that 10% damage reduction and 10% armor buff makes them almost invincible.


I have kept up 2 groups of team mates by myself many times until backup has arrived. As long as I dont get focused I can heal forever.


You will get enough alacrity from gear and I haven't found that it makes a huge difference in my throughput so I don't include it in my talents. I may rethink this when I get better gear but for now I need the survivability and the health that is why I chose my talents the way I did.


Not that I'm famous but I am from the Vrook Lamar server and my character name is Shangri-La.






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This is whole not getting alot of medals things is pretty sad....look yes my average is like 5-6 a game and my highest was 8 medals, but I say this you are a BH MERC BODYGUARD and this is a game! I enjoy healing and take away from each game the fact that I contributed something to that WZ than other players. Whether it be improving my LoS techniques, having that clutch heal, and/or my favorite having three plus people on me and popping all CD's juking interrupts and proceeding to LOL's hard as they let a ballcarrier or a point captor pass by.


This is the spec I use when I am doing WZ I really cant say why I like it so much but I just do max healing on self with max defensive talents.



Edited by Duxk
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