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Why re-invent the wheel?


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Bioware, this is something that I was just thinking about while driving to work today. Why are you trying to create a new method to pvp? When you have two sources to look back on for PvP. Here is the idea I thought of regarding what you can do to create a more PvP friendly environment:


1) Ditch Ilum all together, or keep it but just use it as a medium. Create what you sorta had in WAR, 1 Planet for Empire, 1 for Republic. Use Ilum as the medium. Create bases on each of those planets which can be conquered by the opposing force.


2) Make it an all out siege like in DAOC and WAR, siege weapons (Cybertechs can bring Turrets or Shield Generators or something like that), mines for the Doors like you have in the Warzones. Make it a defend the castle.


3) Reward system for the realm that captures the bases, (Global Exp gain, more valor, Open up PvE operations, etc.) Make it so people will WANT to try to push for the enemy's base.


If you create those 3 things, I guarantee your subscription base will increase.


In terms of the bases/citadels, here is what I was thinking:



  • Order of capture: Take out the Shield Generators, Take down the Door, Take out the Leader



  • Shield Generators must be damaged down, no mines or turrets can target them. They are defendable via the base with their turrets and catwalks.



  • Doors can be destroyed 3 ways: 1) A Force user can sit with their Lightsaber stabbing the door for 30 seconds. If they get interrupted, the door regenerates at a rate of 5%-10% per second it isn't being "superheated" (See Episode 1 for this). 2) Enemys can blast it down, has an HP total (Alot, so it would take a good long time to do this). 3) Cybertechs can mount a Bomb, like in the warzone, that bomb will have 60 seconds before it detonates, the bomb can be destroyed or disarmed, however, in order to destroy the bomb, the bomb itself has a decent amount of HP, so it still takes a few defenders constant assault on the bomb to destroy it. Disarm takes 5 seconds of uninterrupted time.

    • Kill the capitan/sith/jedi that commands the base. Make the boss an operations style boss, unique abilities, surrounding area interaction like in EV or KP. Don't just make it, oh he is just another strong boss that we can just tank down. Make it more dynamic and needing to involve everyone in the Ops group. Like they need to destroy certain objectives every 30 seconds, etc.



I know this will probably fall on def ears, but I was just wondering what others might think of this idea. Yeah it is slightly a clone of War and Daoc, but you can't argue that Daoc had one of the better PvP of any MMO in the last decade. This would make me want to continue to subscribe. This might even open up 4v4s on Ilum!



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I never played WAR, but this sounds a lot like Aion's Siege system, which I personally liked.


I'd like to see an addition though.


Create siege/vulnerability times and make it so you only get valor/etc in a group larger than 4 during siege time.

If it's outside of siege time, you don't get any reward, at all, for being in a group larger than 4.

This includes dailies etc.


Quite honestly, on my server we just have to sit in our base 24/7. And even though it only takes like 10-15 mins to do my daily by pulling people in constantly, I'd rather go out and fight people.


And seriously, remove the "has been spotted" notification. it's beyond stupid. Ilum is too small for stuff like that.

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