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Artifice vs Synthweaving


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Inquiry about crew skills for an inquisitor (sorceror, in particular) here - I have biochem on my powertech, so I can make decent stims and medkits for alts, isnt an issue and I'd rather not level biochem up on a new character, hoping to try something different. My sniper has cybertech, so that's out as well.


I havent really tried taking either artifice or synthweaving up on any characters yet, so I dont know much about either skill, but looking at them on torhead this is what I've pulled from each:




-Can make enhancements for myself and my companion (obsolete @ 50 due to daily rewards)


-Can make hilts for myself and my companion (Again, obsolete @ 50 due to daily rewards)


-Can craft color crystals, including the harder to find purple, magenta, and eventually white crystals. Rumors exist about black-cored saber color crystals existing as endgame raid schematics. These crystals may make a bit of profit when sold, and have greater stats than crystals found in current endgame gear.


-Can craft relics at higher levels, which are equal to or better than many endgame-obtained relics and dont require light or dark alignment to use.


-Can craft custom, moddable lightsabers, which may have unique hilt appearances.


-Can craft force focii / shield generators for myself and my companion while levelling, which can otherwise be hard to come by.







-Can craft crittable, moddable orange gear sets, which may allow for fully augmented gear @ 50 (which would be better than raid obtained gear once endgame set armorings are extractable).


-May make gearing my companions easier while levelling, though most crafted gear will end up being less powerful than commendation-purchased gear.


-Can make rakata-grade items at 50, on par with raid gear (belt/bracers).





So, any suggestions on one or the other?

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Do Both (it's what I did):


Create 2 alts with artifice and synth respectively. level archeology and a few other skills on your inquisitor. farm everything and mail to the alts to craft with. I have an artificer, synthweaver, and cybertech in the mid 300's using only mats i farm on my main. anything extra from your farming you can sell for good money.


Bioanalysis may be good to pick up in addition to archeology, so you can farm mats for your own med kits while you level (instead of having to hop over to your other toon and farm separately). a mission skill would be a good addition to those....either UT or TH for synth and artifice respectively.


I leveled archeology, scavenging, and UT on my Jugg, and used the mats to level cyber and synth/artifice almost solely (artifice had a little help from my toons on repub side). synth/cyber is an especially good combo for alts as the both share the same mission skill, so you can keep UT on your main and level it as you level to feed both.

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Do Both (it's what I did):


Create 2 alts with artifice and synth respectively. level archeology and a few other skills on your inquisitor. farm everything and mail to the alts to craft with. I have an artificer, synthweaver, and cybertech in the mid 300's using only mats i farm on my main. anything extra from your farming you can sell for good money.


Bioanalysis may be good to pick up in addition to archeology, so you can farm mats for your own med kits while you level (instead of having to hop over to your other toon and farm separately). a mission skill would be a good addition to those....either UT or TH for synth and artifice respectively.


I leveled archeology, scavenging, and UT on my Jugg, and used the mats to level cyber and synth/artifice almost solely (artifice had a little help from my toons on repub side). synth/cyber is an especially good combo for alts as the both share the same mission skill, so you can keep UT on your main and level it as you level to feed both.



Ahh yes the logic is undeniable

Now your main gets no endgame bonuses of a crafting crew skill.

this is backwards,do what you want but why would you suggest this to someone else????

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Ahh yes the logic is undeniable

Now your main gets no endgame bonuses of a crafting crew skill.

this is backwards,do what you want but why would you suggest this to someone else????


Because it works for me.


Because I can get the benefits of multiple crafts as I level without having to level individual toons for each one.


Because end game isn't the only reason you craft.


Because I enjoy it.


Because there are no endgame materials that require certain crafts to function. Whereas a player having a crafting skill has a few perks, I get the parks of many crafting skills (though not the sole perks of having it on that toon). A *** for a tat.


I guess that one size does not fit all. please don't make the mistake of thinking that there's only one way to do things in this game...you really ruin the enjoyment. that and the OP in no way has to do this. but it certainly is fun.

Edited by Elyx
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Problem is, several of the endgame items that each profession crafts can only be used by the character with that profession (they're either bind on pickup or require that profession to use), so that doesnt really work out. Also, unless you're going to level both characters, whichver one uses the second skill will have no extra companions to do crafting, meaning you wont have the critical/efficiency bonuses to that crafting skill or the ability to make multiple items at once.


I'm only going with one or the other.

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Problem is, several of the endgame items that each profession crafts can only be used by the character with that profession (they're either bind on pickup or require that profession to use), so that doesn't really work out. Also, unless you're going to level both characters, whichever one uses the second skill will have no extra companions to do crafting, meaning you wont have the critical/efficiency bonuses to that crafting skill or the ability to make multiple items at once.


I'm only going with one or the other.


Fair enough. Id go with artifice, if for anything more unique end game perks that are hard to get via other avenues. although on my new Inq, I'm leveling Synth and it works very well for keeping my current companion Val as well as myself equipped, as he uses str based armor. but if i switch companions, that's lost. I've leveled both on toons, and overall I've gotten more out of artifice simply because the items (outside of personal ones) are more universal. everyone can use enhancements and (especially) crystals. hilts are more limited, but can still fit many companion weapons as well as sabers.


i see synth as helping a great deal when it comes to those equipment slots that are hard to fill and keep up with level (wrists, belt, bracers, etc). but it seems it's end game personal items are not as flexible (though they are best in slot atm for the few items you do get). Plus, only force users will wear the armor. everyone uses crystals and enhancements, and most can/will use hilts


It just seems to me that if your going to focus on one, artifice has more perks to it. but that could change very soon, as they're adding more crafting schematics and options in 1.2. Of course, they're adding some for artifice as well :) new color crystals!

Edited by Elyx
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