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Why has premades vs pugs STILL NOT BEEN FIXED !!!!!!!


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How hard is it to find 3 friends/guild mates to go into WZs and use Skype? :rolleyes:


How hard is it to quit pvping altogether and take up basket weaving?


Oh, you don't want to learn to weave baskets? Well too bad, it's not hard, so learn to do it.

Edited by maradigamer
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See title.


Its almost 5 am, and I can't even PvP solo and enjoy myself due to pre-mades just owning all the WZs.


I don't want to get a group, get on vent, and farm PUGS. I want to play a balanced fun game. Why is this so much to ask ?


Idiotic post? Get a group together in General? just silly...

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It's all about the players in that warzone and how well they gell.




This was one of the best matches I've played and it was a complete pug, with no battlemasters vs imps with atleast 2 battlemasters.


I got 250k protection, we destroyed them. We had great communication via chat and good players.


I don't mean to sound like a stuck up ***, but bad players will be bad regardless. Good players can work well together and still be successful.


Whilst it wasn't against a premade, the only match where a Pre-made really benefits is huttball, the other's it doesn't realy matter providing the players know who and what to target. Leaving that Sorc in the background free healing will obviously cause problems. etc

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see title.


Its almost 5 am, and i can't even pvp solo and enjoy myself due to pre-mades just owning all the wzs.


I don't want to get a group, get on vent, and farm pugs. I want to play a balanced fun game. Why is this so much to ask ?


why do you have no friends?!

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You're making the assumption that SWTOR is actually complex. Bud, you're just kidding yourself. They designed it to be as easy as possible. All it comes down to is gear and understanding what simple tactics there are. You can't put an ops in anyways so you will always be shuffled a potentially brand new team when you enter a WZ. Edited by Ewgal
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You're making the assumption that SWTOR is actually complex. Bud, you're just kidding yourself. They designed it to be as easy as possible. All it comes down to is gear and understanding what simple tactics there are. You can't put an ops in anyways so you will always be shuffled a potentially brand new team when you enter a WZ.


Wrong, there are threads popping up tonight complaining about full 8 man premades. It's becoming an issue.

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How hard is it to quit pvping altogether and take up basket weaving?


Oh, you don't want to learn to weave baskets? Well too bad, it's not hard, so learn to do it.


I am pretty sure that basket weaving has nothing to do while my comment actually answers all the silly complaints in this thread.


So why should I learn basket weaving when it has nothing to do with the issue unlike my advice to get off your lazy bum and organise your own "premade" (lol 4 players)?


Seriously you bads nowadays want to get everything handed on a silver plater and when people point out your silly QQ on these forums all you can come up with is a red herring like that? :rolleyes:


Wrong, there are threads popping up tonight complaining about full 8 man premades. It's becoming an issue.


Sure thing bro, whatever you say. Cool that no one I know has been able to join any WZ with 8 people but keep talking it is highly amusing.

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I am pretty sure that basket weaving has nothing to do while my comment actually answers all the silly complaints in this thread.


So why should I learn basket weaving when it has nothing to do with the issue unlike my advice to get off your lazy bum and organise your own "premade" (lol 4 players)?


Seriously you bads nowadays want to get everything handed on a silver plater and when people point out your silly QQ on these forums all you can come up with is a red herring like that? :rolleyes:


Just like the ease of forming a premade has nothing to do with whether or not I enjoy doing it, you mean?

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Wrong, there are threads popping up tonight complaining about full 8 man premades. It's becoming an issue.


Those may be trolling because I can only ever manage 2-4 using legitimate methods. My own view is it mainly comes down to the overall gear of the team. A team of BMs would beat a team of centurion geared players whether 2-4 were grouped going into the queue or not. Simply stated SWTOR PvP isn't complex, Bioware designed it to appeal to all types, so they made the tactics simple for the games.

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Just like the ease of forming a premade has nothing to do with whether or not I enjoy doing it, you mean?


And you think others enjoy the process of finding like minded players with similar time schedules? And what does enjoyment has anything to do with it? So actually you just admitted you are just too lazy to invest a minimum of finding some friends and organisation. So others should suffer for you laziness and BW should waste extra resources for lazy bums like you? Here is an advice:


Boy, grow up and get a grip.

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And you think others enjoy the process of finding like minded players with similar time schedules? And what does enjoyment has anything to do with it? So actually you just admitted you are just too lazy to invest a minimum of finding some friends and organisation. So others should suffer for you laziness and BW should waste extra resources for lazy bums like you? Here is an advice:


Boy, grow up and get a grip.


The game is all about enjoyment. Don't lecture me on lazy when you and I both spend time at our computers killing pixels instead of doing something productive with our spare time, okay?


Again, another post proves my point. Premade and pug players don't like each other and that alone is reason enough for separation.


Thank you!

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You will meet people along the way during the games. If you liked what they did or said, just add them on friends list and BAM! Premade. You just have to ask because most players who are good que solo!


Good Luck!


Yeaaaah. You skipped a few steps. Like vent and playing together often enough to actually stand a chance against a real premade. Oh, and then for more advanced considerations, there's gear and class composition.

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The game is all about enjoyment. Don't lecture me on lazy when you and I both spend time at our computers killing pixels instead of doing something productive with our spare time, okay?


Again, another post proves my point. Premade and pug players don't like each other and that alone is reason enough for separation.


Thank you!


I like both, pugging and premade and I play both styles regularly.

There is no reason for separation. Grow up, find a PvP guild and set something up. It is not hard compared to other games where you need 10-15 people to build up a premade.

I am in just a minor PvP guild with odd 50 members of which at most 10 are online at the same time yet we have regularly 2 groups running and forming them is like a matter of 10 seconds + 10 for joining Vent.


That being said many premades are also average at best some are even terrible and actually quite easily beaten.

So all in all my point stands. Grow up and get a grip.

Other players here just spend as much time and money as you do. I could say the same why should you lecture us how we want to spend the time and money? Especially in the face of forming a pug is as easy as chewing bubble gum while walkind down a street. No real effort.


Yeaaaah. You skipped a few steps. Like vent and playing together often enough to actually stand a chance against a real premade. Oh, and then for more advanced considerations, there's gear and class composition.


And you think it took the other premades no time and effort for that? Really?

Again, grow up and get a grip.

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I like both, pugging and premade and I play both styles regularly.

There is no reason for separation. Grow up, find a PvP guild and set something up. It is not hard compared to other games where you need 10-15 people to build up a premade.

I am in just a minor PvP guild with odd 50 members of which at most 10 are online at the same time yet we have regularly 2 groups running and forming them is like a matter of 10 seconds + 10 for joining Vent.


That being said many premades are also average at best some are even terrible and actually quite easily beaten.

So all in all my point stands. Grow up and get a grip.

Other players here just spend as much time and money as you do. I could say the same why should you lecture us how we want to spend the time and money? Especially in the face of forming a pug is as easy as chewing bubble gum while walkind down a street. No real effort.




And you think it took the other premades no time and effort for that? Really?

Again, grow up and get a grip.




Your tone gets more and more insulting as you go along. I would never want to hear your voice in vent, I'd mute you in a heartbeat.

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Yeaaaah. You skipped a few steps. Like vent and playing together often enough to actually stand a chance against a real premade. Oh, and then for more advanced considerations, there's gear and class composition.


I'll bet you anything you are just disgruntled about losing a few matches. If you lose all your matches badly it is likely gear issue for you. Believe it or not I have tried 2-4 premades and solo grouping, and believe it or not can win >3 games per day easily with either method at the moment.

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I'll bet you anything you are just disgruntled about losing a few matches. If you lose all your matches badly it is likely gear issue for you. Believe it or not I have tried 2-4 premades and solo grouping, and believe it or not can win >3 games per day easily with either method at the moment.


Funny you mention that. I have alts on several servers and I play the lower bracket. On one server I tend to win as Empire much more than I lose. On a second server it's about 50/50 with Empire but more like %30 percent win rate as Republic, on another server it's similar losses as Republic, haven't done enough pvp as my Empire toons to be sure, but I think that one is 50/50 too.


So it has nothing to do with me or my win rate, as I know which server and faction I can win on. It has to do with logic, to be honest. I don't like illogical things, and it makes no sense to me why pug players and premade players are always inflicted on each other in MMO pvp when separation is usually possible.

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