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Sick of people complaining so early into game


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Hi All,


Can I just say that I'm hugely disappointed in the impatient nature of all the negative posters on these forum's.


This game is a matter of weeks old!! There is huge potential in it...but yes BW have alot of work to do.


Immediate fixes:


* server population - merge low population servers to boost server populations. (Note - Not Bw's fault! You were all too busy at launch complaining about queue's that the over compensated with opening new servers!)


* warzones queues - if server populations are in increased it may not be a problem so much, but x-realm queues is must these days to keep pvp flowing.


Things to improve over time:


* Add more end game content. - (Surprise surprise people, to all those who raced to end game as. Fast as they could! The game is new, end game content is something that comes with time!! 60 days into a game is far too early to complain there is no endgame if you raised to 50 in a month and have been waiting for more ever since.


* Make space play a bigger part of the game - ship's should be a place we can treat as a sandbox and customise interior and really make our home.


***Note to all***


If you battered the game in beta, then raced through the storyline by bashing spacebar and spent 10 plus hours a day racing to hit 50, then you spent 10 hours plus grinding warzones to max out gear.. You only have yourself to blame that you have milked all the game has to offer yet. Feel free to now sit around waiting for the next mmo to launch for you to race through that one.


No game is going to at launch compete with other mmo's which have been around for years and had years of additions made to them to keep new content incoming.


Give BW a chance to start building the game, slow down with the obsessive race to complete the game and take time to enjoy other aspects of an mmo, like helping other players or starting your own guild?


Anyways, that's just my opinion..


For the Republic!!

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I'm gonna say this.. I rarely RARELY hear anyone complain in-game..


Forums are used to complain.. It's that simple.. You rarely see threads such as "This game is perfect.. change nothing!" Because those people are off playing the game..


Don't judge your opinion of a game based on it's forum.. If we did that WoW would be the least popular game in history because apparently Blizzard is a fail company and doesn't know how to do anything right (According to WoW forum posters)


Same goes for Swtor.

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Right now we are paying to play a BETA.


Bugs are one thing.......features are another. To me a bugis oops we mispelled somehting that got over looked, or gear was not rewarded for a quest....


Instead we are still trying to fix the UI, Fix ilum, Fix bugged bosses in operations, and the list goes on.....2 MONTHS after launch.


There is not even a guild bank in game.....name me one game that does not have a guild bank!! lol

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If your in an endgame raiding guild right now you will see people complain more as time goes on and they run out of stuff to do. And sorry if I made it to 50 in a month because I didn't re-roll an alt of every class and decided from the start that I will play my marauder and just my marauder cause I am a 1 character person.


In the time I've been playing I have with an average playtime of about 10-12 hours a week (while working) I've managed to:


1.Beat every Normal and hardmode FP

2. Max out Artifice, Synthweaving, and Biochem to make the Rakata gear of each

3. Get full Columi

4. Beat both HM Ops (2 and 3 times..)

5. Max affection with every companion

6. Get every worthwhile for my class Datacron in the game


That's pretty much everything that is available for PVE only players to do and I know of a few people who PVE and PVP who are maxed out in PVP rank as well as what I listed.


Doesn't take a long time for people to complete your game, I just find it sad with a production time as long as this games for their to be so little content. And Re-rolling another class to experience their story line isn't additional content.

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Forums are used to complain.. It's that simple..


Truth. Probably should be pointed out that this rule is multiplied by 500 when you have an MMO forum in the equation. People come to MMO forums to complain. Kinda makes me wish a lot of the time there wasn't an official forum.

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* server population - merge low population servers to boost server populations. (Note - Not Bw's fault! You were all too busy at launch complaining about queue's that the over compensated with opening new servers!)


That's like saying it's not my fault a 5 year old gets hurt because I gave him a loaded gun when he asked for it.

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As has already been said, people are upset because instead of being focused on pushing out content they are focused on finishing crap that should already be in the game. This is 2011 and yet this mmo was released with out a DC grace period. I've been having issues with my isp the past couple nights and i'll DC every now and then. It's only for maybe 30 seconds so I can log back in immediately. But if im in a WZ or a space mission it automatically kicks you out. It's very frustrating being in an epic huttball match that's almost over and dc'ing to come back and kicked out of the WZ with 0 commendations/xp.


Along with no guild bank, a broke legacy title system which they some how finally fixed, no LFG system, no trading bop items from instances for 2 hours(yes WoW came up with this idea but the fact bio-ware hasn't implemented this is pathetic). I love the concept of this game and lvl1-49 is amazing. But I don't feel like playing an unfinished game. This is the second MMO EA has released unfinished. WAR was the first, and look how it turned out. Maybe EA will finally get the message that consumers don't want an unfinished product.


And to sum it up with the perfect quote that describes the game. "This is a 2006 mmo released in 2011."

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Why do people insist on comparing the fact this game has faults after launch?? I noticed a spelling error on a wow tooltip last week. Should I cancel my sub?? The game been going years...surely they would of fixed that by now? Lol


All i'm saying is give the game a chance to develop, if you've done everything it has to offer ATM, no problem suspend your sub, and go out for a beer or something and come back when the next lot of content is released. No need to flame on forums about how the game lacks enough initial content to fill a void in your spare time.


Personally I play a few mmo's, switch between them periodically and when I get bored, or have nothing to do, I turn off the pc and go do something else with my time.


I just don't see a need for people to complain so much!! It's only a game!!

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just because you haven't hit 50 yet doesn't mean that a very very large chunk of the player base hasn't.


if swtor is to obtain meaningful growth things have to change, and at a rapid pace. Which is why i think the vast majority of people myself included are paying until the march patch hits so see if there is anything in there to bring new ideas and content on this new planet. Likewise with the new operation / warzone. Everything else is just expected (ui / bug fixes etc).


I just hope that they have their **** in order and are going to be bring back the 'war' to 'STAR WARS'.


Outside of queueing up for warzones (yawn) and doing operations, there is nothing to do. You might argue that you could roll an alt, but as much as i'd love to, i sure as hell can't be bothered doing the exact same content over again just to experience the class story. As much as i'd love to do them, the ratio of repeating to new is just way too high.

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1. the game is two months old... Seriously the "rush in leveling" card is getting really old.


2. alot of servers has population problems, and Bioware refused to merge or transfer those players to a more populated server so that they could enjoy the game. BW even go as far as telling people to reroll on a new server to solve the population problem.


3. the game has alot of performance problems, that includes ability delays, no lfg, fps spikes, and overheating issue.


whether you like the gameplay of swtor or not is one thing, but issues like i listed are causing people problem, and they have the right to complain about them because they are paying a monthly fee for this game.


did i say the "rush leveling" card is getting old again?

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just because you haven't hit 50 yet doesn't mean that a very very large chunk of the player base hasn't.


if swtor is to obtain meaningful growth things have to change, and at a rapid pace. Which is why i think the vast majority of people myself included are paying until the march patch hits so see if there is anything in there to bring new ideas and content on this new planet. Likewise with the new operation / warzone. Everything else is just expected (ui / bug fixes etc).


I just hope that they have their **** in order and are going to be bring back the 'war' to 'STAR WARS'.


Outside of queueing up for warzones (yawn) and doing operations, there is nothing to do. You might argue that you could roll an alt, but as much as i'd love to, i sure as hell can't be bothered doing the exact same content over again just to experience the class story. As much as i'd love to do them, the ratio of repeating to new is just way too high.



Exactly how I feel pretty much my whole guild is playing this game right now waiting for something big to come out, this is an MMO I shouldn't be pretty much done after 2 months, I should always have something to do but don't. If March doesn't give us stuff to do we will use SWTOR as a filler MMO while we wait for Tera or guildwars 2.


I'm sorry to the fanboys, but I am being honest, and I am not such a Star Wars fan that I'll hold on to the bitter end and defend the thing. 5 years of development was more then enough time to make this game and the content in it. Rather then making this game the "Largest Voice Over Project Ever" they should have I don't know focused on the game part of it.

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1. the game is two months old... Seriously the "rush in leveling" card is getting really old.


Exactly. Conservative estimate is 5 days played for a level 50. So say 100 hours played to 50 over the last 60 ish days. Its not exactly hardcore to have a 50.


But as to the OP. people need to stop using the infancy of the game as a way to excuse its shortcomings. If I wanted to open a factory manufacturing TVs I need to make TVs that compete with Samsung and Panasonic current offerings.


I can't pump out black and white TVs under the guise that they didn't have color or HD when they started out so give me time.

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