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American migration to Aussie servers ?


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Dear bioware,

Is their any chance that you can offer server transfers for U.S players at the same time you do Australian ? As at the time my wife created her account her residential address was in the U.S which means I will essentially be forced to choose between playing with my wife or my friends come march 1st.


While I and everyone in my currently small oceanic guild really appreciate the local servers and such I have to wonder if you have thought this out all that well, as if "American's" don't have the option to move with their mostly Aussie guilds (shift workers/late night gamers/my wife) is going to have a negative impact on communities both guild communities and server communities.


Just putting it out their that an option for Yankees to move to an Australian server couldn't hurt too much ;).



My partner and I, myself being Australian both of us living in Australia at the time of my post would like to move to an Australian server come March 1st she will not be able to due to her residential address and I would like to know if their is any possibility of getting her a server transfer (even if we have to pay for one).

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OP what will the ping be like on an aussie server for someone in the US?


Pretty much the same as the ping on a West Coast server for someone in Australia. I find it perfectly playable, but will be moving to an Oceanic server so there's more people around when I'm playing.

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