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Playing as a Marauder, I know first hand how tough it can be to get through, especially in the lvl 40-45 range, I believe that marauders should be able to either have an actual stealth, or heavy armor (no shields so its still fair to juggs), I have had a tough time trying to level, and others seem to be able to do things levels lower to me easily while me and othe rmarauders have tough times


Either that or a way that people can switch their advanced classes like respeccing, except free, you can only do it 2 times inbetween lvls 10-49 and once you hit lvl 50, you have to make a final choice, this allows people to get a feel for each advanced class rather than taking a blind step and end up regretting it like many have.

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As a marauder who has finished the class story; they really do not need to be any more beefed up for PvE content prior to 50.


If you and your companion are properly geared and your anni specced you should be able to blow through the solo content.

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