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Eye color?


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On most of my characters, I have very vibrant eye colors, but at some point in the game, they all seem to lose it. Their eye color goes to another color (green to yellow, vibrant red to a dull red, ect.). It in no way hinders my ability, but it is kind of annoying.:( Does anyone else have this problem?
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There is a recurring but infrequent (well, for me, anyway) bug with eyes doing weird things in conversations. Usually escaping and restarting the conversation will fix it, but occasionally it just does it whatever you do- but only for the duration of that conversation. Occasionally the eyes go completely black in a 'possessed by Shadows [babylon 5]' kind of way, occasionally, and slightly more creepily, if that's possible, the eye texture mapping fails, and you get an odd, curved, crystalline/shiny surface where the eye should be... which doesn't sound too creepy, until you look at both eyes together, and realise that what you're actually seeing is the eye texture matched as if the character's face were an eyeless mask, with one giant face-sized eyeball recessed in the head behind it, which you're glimpsing through the mask.


These bugs probably aren't what you're referring to though- from the sound of it, unless it's dark side corruption, then it's probably a dynamic lighting issue- I've noted several times that eyes are, for some reason, *very* much affected by dynamic lighting. My ice-blue eyes look black or white on Hoth, f'rinstance, and frequently a murky yellow in the artificial sodium lights of Nar Shaddaa. (I shall laugh immoderately if Bioware's censor filter objects to sodium). This is, actually fairly realistic, it's just quite unusually so.

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