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Male or Female?


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Having trouble deciding between male or female SI and need a sounding board to help me decide so just read my thoughts and post your thoughts or random crap I don't care either way it could end up helping me




Male Pros -


can hit on and make happy force time with NPC women like Darth Lactate or whatever her name is on balmora


cool voice


easier to "be the character"





Dude in a dress


only companion romance is a light side clown fish


limited acceptable hairstyle selections (seriously human men get some pretty crappy haircuts, like budget $10 cut bad)



Female Pros-


Get to hook up with pirate steve blum


sexy evil brit chick voice


looks good in sith dresses


better hairstyles







Can't be a lesbian (no hitting on all those cool NPCs like Thana and darth balmora chick)


some hairstyles do a weird clipping thing when you move




thats all I could come up with atm , if you can think of any post them if you like . now go forth and comment !

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Khem Val would just complain about how tulak horde made sweet lovin to him better then you do.


That actually got a good laugh out of me.


You do what I did though, I made one of each.



Edit: I really like the Assassin game play so they are both Assassins too.

Edited by Hyfy
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While i play Male Caraters (as i am male)


I still Love the Quote from another game -


Why do you Play Female Charaters,


Answer- If im going to look at an Backside* all day it might as well be A sexy *** :p:D


* Changed due to the Forum censor.

Edited by Lasarith
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While i play Male Caraters (as i am male)


I still Love the Quote from another game -


Why do you Play Female Charaters,


Answer- If im going to look at an Backside* all day it might as well be A sexy *** :p:D


* Changed due to the Forum censor.




I should have had that as a pro then. also females get cosmetics which is a nice extra layer of customization.

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Been fiddling with the character creator for a while and I think I am leaning heavy on female , and the reason is I really don't like the male romance , jedi clownfish is not appealing at all . yes I think I would rather romance the dude. also the nice backside reason.
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I made my SI sorc a male (I am female) just because I tend to make my squishy healers males and my kick-butt melee dps'ers ladies (I have a lady marauder.) I think that if you want to play a bit of an overenthusiasticly awkward dork, the male voice fits better, but I don't know the exact character you want to make.
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How do you know this ? , Source?


yeah, I hear allot of speculation on the same sex stuff, but yet to see any blue posts, blogs, or dev quotes relating to this. Their may be an odd one out there, but in general I really think its more forum rumor then actual "its in our list of things to do". I have yet to see anything except the occasional player started thread. I could be ignorant in this...but someone would have to point it out for me 9the confirmed dev response)


On Topic, I have a few male toons, mostly to have the romance experience. but the majority of my toons are female (me being a guy). I too, found that after playing many MMO's for many years, the most important aspect of your toon is do you enjoy watching it? for me, that boiled down to the feminine style. I enjoy watching it much more then a guys butt!


....especially these male toons. their proportions seem all out of whack to me. the middle build has too skinny legs and arms, and a horrible bubble butt. the pro wrestler build is too...I don't know...hulk like? not sure how they don't tip over from having 3/4 of their body mass above the belt. the skinny model is just....ew. and the tubby guy...in all honesty, i can at least appreciate ifat and happy from a relaxed perspective. having a tubby commando in heavy armor is rockin. but i can't play it as a guard/jugg...I just need something toned and mean.


so my preferred body styles to date are female skins 2 and 3 (one being the skinny), 3 by default...I like the amazon look what can I say.

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I usally only play femalce charatcers in games cause they most of the times have better or smoother animations.

While males msot of the time feels big and slow.


So i jsut sticked with my old pattern and made a female SI and dont regrett it a singel time.



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I play a male SI, but the other day I had a thought on this issue. Now this is just speculation on my part, but it feels to me like the writer of the SI story was envisioning a female lead character. It just feels to me like a few of the plot elements and several of the NPC lines were written with a female character in mind.
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yeah, I hear allot of speculation on the same sex stuff, but yet to see any blue posts, blogs, or dev quotes relating to this. Their may be an odd one out there, but in general I really think its more forum rumor then actual "its in our list of things to do". I have yet to see anything except the occasional player started thread. I could be ignorant in this...but someone would have to point it out for me 9the confirmed dev response)


On Topic, I have a few male toons, mostly to have the romance experience. but the majority of my toons are female (me being a guy). I too, found that after playing many MMO's for many years, the most important aspect of your toon is do you enjoy watching it? for me, that boiled down to the feminine style. I enjoy watching it much more then a guys butt!


....especially these male toons. their proportions seem all out of whack to me. the middle build has too skinny legs and arms, and a horrible bubble butt. the pro wrestler build is too...I don't know...hulk like? not sure how they don't tip over from having 3/4 of their body mass above the belt. the skinny model is just....ew. and the tubby guy...in all honesty, i can at least appreciate ifat and happy from a relaxed perspective. having a tubby commando in heavy armor is rockin. but i can't play it as a guard/jugg...I just need something toned and mean.


so my preferred body styles to date are female skins 2 and 3 (one being the skinny), 3 by default...I like the amazon look what can I say.


They stated during beta that same-sex romances would come "shortly after launch", however they also said companions would not be part of it.


The reason you don't see any posts on it is because the forums were wiped at the end of beta.

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ROTLMAO...Sorry but this just made me laugh so hard for the past 2 minutes.





Actualy my first character was going to be a SI but I was reading through the companions for the empire classes and I really did not like Ashara so I got my BH to 50 first , then a SW but now I've decided just to not talk to her and play SI , oh and I finaly decided on female.


body type 2 with red bob hair style and yellow eyes and dark cosmetics , I think I will enjoy SI 1-50

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Yes, the big momma butts on males with robes is definitely a dealbreaker. Why dont they fix this already :confused: :confused: :confused:


Can anyone confirm it only shows on body type 2 males?


It at least doesn't show on Body Types 3. I was in a warzone with a Juggernaut Body 3, he had robes, and his butt was normal, while my Body 2 butt was enormous as always... :(

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Pro Female:


Some sexy gear:



see comment 2+4


That's my Twi'lek =)


I was trying to decide whether to go male (with Darth Maul look) or female (with Darth Talon look). The deciding factor was Ashara. I originally thought I had to use Khem most of the time so there won't be opportunity to romance her and get her affection up w/o spending loads on gifts. I figured if I'm not going to do the romance stuff, I might as well make a sexy toon to look at while playing. Since Khem's affection would come mostly from dark side choices, I went with a dark side female.


If I had known the most useful companion is going to be Talos and Ashara's dps actually comes in pretty handy doing end-game dailies (not to mention no hoods for Twi'leks), I might've gone with a light side male Zabrak. That said, since switching to Biochem with Diplomacy, I've actually got all my LS points back and is now neutral aligned.

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If you want to match your morality with the romance options, light side male makes sense, as does dark side female. At least that way you don't have to buy as many gifts.


dark side female voice acting is wicked awesome. I always thought the male voice sounded more natural light side, but that could just be me - he doesn't sound nearly "evil" enough on the dark side stuff in my opinion.

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