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Why Alts Get Boring


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After playing one character on each side, you basically have class quests left.


Class quests are about 1/6 of the content.


I am not going to replay 5/6 of the game just to experience the others.


How about this? I unsubscribe, then go search for videos of "Let's Play SWTOR" Class quests.


Same amount of fun without the money.


P.S. The legacy system is a crap way of enticing players to play alts. Way to make an excuse for not having any re playability value at end-game, or otherwise.

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I dont disagree with either of you.


Just directed at people who rant and rave about theres plenty of content, just make another character!


It's not *THAT* much more content. And quite honestly, after you play for a while all of the game runs together anyway.


The only good part is the story and I can watch that on youtube and **** at the same time. So I fail to see the entertainment value of SWTOR at this point.

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Got to say I agree with some of the points. Only reason I did mine re-rolled and I know all the side quests. I don't agree it should be like wow though. by heart. The only difference is the class quests and lets be honest they only last a few seconds. Maybe it's just me but I'm tired the second time around already killing the EXACT same mob.


I don't know what I expected since this is a MMO. Maybe I expected this to be like orgins, or maybe I expected the no grind. I'm on Voss again and they are having the exact same problem they had since I left..now I will go on to corrliea after this. I wonder if anything has changed there.


Btw this will be my SECOND 50.

Edited by DragonAgeOrgins
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Well for one this assumes you're doing everything there is to do with your first char. Personally I've been skipping a lot of side quests and FPs, so that'll all be new with my alt. Secondly my first char was a JKS and I'm playing a healer now which is a vastly different experience.


So yeah, no.

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I hear ya OP...I'm on a second republic alt and I totally spacebar through everything but class quests. The saving grace is that I've absolutely fallen in love with the JK and the story, so I'm willing to stick it out.


I can see myself leveling four classes...two rep, two imp...one of each I watch everything, and the other two of each I space bar all but class quests.


Which will make it interesting to see who stays after a few months...the PvP'ers and raiders aren't happy right now (I'm sure some are) because of broken PvP or lack of more raiding content, and single player guys who want story will stick it out for how many classes before they leave for another single player game (ME3 is a few weeks away) or, as you said, just watch the stories on youtube...something I'm even considering.

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The replies and quests dialogue definitely changed quite a bit between playing a Jedi and playing a Smuggler, even if the objectives were much the same, I still enjoyed watching/reading the different reactions of the NPCs. Edited by ckoneful
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