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Early access guys write the day u entered the code


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Since most of July is already in, I would say it'll be more than just 1 month per day moving forward. I would bet everyone will be in by the 16th.


I second that, and I give you some numbers for theory crafting:

July preorders are about 250k afaik, total of something about 1 million I think. Today they (almost) finished July (latest info I got: they did 21st to 28th), so that's about 250k in 5 waves.


1 wave being 50k people.


Tomorrow they try to invite even more people, lets say 6-8 waves --> 300k-400k people.


We now have 550k-650k, or an average of 600k.


Thursday, IF the servers manage it, the same amount of people get their invites. That's +350k.


So on Thursday 950k people are playing the game. That could leave December preorders to finish by Friday the 16th.

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Well 28. 07. I'm as lucky as usual, the last wave stopping right before me... I don't know why they end so early today, seems like show of pure lazyness to me. Most companies at least have the decency to take the extra shifts when their game is being released after years of developement. This all smells pretty cheap, but hey it's bioware, after what they did with poor nwn nothing can suprise me. And EA showed us how well they can publish mmorpg with Warhammer already so really if you expected something else... you are really naive.


So anyway, actually they got only 21 - 27, about 200k is my guess. Another funny thing the servers on the page here appears to be full but if you check streams and youtube videos of people actually logging in the servers are low with few med. Something rotten is in galaxy far far away.

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Sheeesh, you guys.


I know most people think they know better than the devs, but, trust me, they are doing their best. They are doing this as a rolling entree so they can test the servers. If they had let another day in and THEN there were server issues, you would've been belly aching about the fact that they shouldn't have pushed it so far.


Just relax. Trust that they want the game to be a success, not a failure. With that in mind, assume they are doing whatever they need to make that happen.


They have spent a ton of time and energy creating this game and have for more invested in it than you do. Sit back, crack open a Mountain Dew and wait for your email.

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Sheeesh, you guys.


I know most people think they know better than the devs, but, trust me, they are doing their best. They are doing this as a rolling entree so they can test the servers. If they had let another day in and THEN there were server issues, you would've been belly aching about the fact that they shouldn't have pushed it so far.


Just relax. Trust that they want the game to be a success, not a failure. With that in mind, assume they are doing whatever they need to make that happen.


They have spent a ton of time and energy creating this game and have for more invested in it than you do. Sit back, crack open a Mountain Dew and wait for your email.

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Well 28. 07. I'm as lucky as usual, the last wave stopping right before me... I don't know why they end so early today, seems like show of pure lazyness to me. Most companies at least have the decency to take the extra shifts when their game is being released after years of developement. This all smells pretty cheap, but hey it's bioware, after what they did with poor nwn nothing can suprise me. And EA showed us how well they can publish mmorpg with Warhammer already so really if you expected something else... you are really naive.


So anyway, actually they got only 21 - 27, about 200k is my guess. Another funny thing the servers on the page here appears to be full but if you check streams and youtube videos of people actually logging in the servers are low with few med. Something rotten is in galaxy far far away.



How is that possible? People from the first week of August were getting in.

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Being the pre-orders slowed down after the initial month of pre-order it dipped from like 80k per week to just over 20k for several weeks so there will be a larger spectrum of players that will gain access tomorrow i'm sure. The people at tail end will slow a little because the pre-orders spiked really well again. Either way i'll just be happy to play and am looking forward to starting a nice long campaign in another MMO :)
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