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Early access guys write the day u entered the code


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Some people are getting in earlier. I know 3 people who are in that ordered after me. But all 3 of them are guild leadership in prestaged guilds. My guess is, that is one of the factors.


I am sure that there are many things involved in who gets in when. Preorder registration is one of them.

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Some people are getting in earlier. I know 3 people who are in that ordered after me. But all 3 of them are guild leadership in prestaged guilds. My guess is, that is one of the factors.


I am sure that there are many things involved in who gets in when. Preorder registration is one of them.


This could be the reason people are getting invited earlier, they're leaders of guilds that signed up for the early access.

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I dont remember the date I want to say september. Also, those who are in are mostly going to be playing, and not on the forums.... I would hope. Therefor those who did not get in yet may be the best reference. Is there a way to check the day my code was entered?
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Don't forget a little pre-order reality here. Day one was 7/21, and if you recall the game sold out. While I don't know exactly how many units that equals, I'll go out on a limb and say if you didn't redeem on 7/21 you have a low probability of getting in today. I redeemed on 7/23 and I accept that low probability of day one early access.


For those posting they pre ordered after July, you can safely assume you won't get in today, so step away from your computer and enjoy the day. If you pre-ordered in Oct/Nov, you can probably stay away from your computer for two to three days.


And for those stating their wife, their friend, etc. pre-ordered at some obsurdly late date, i.e. just moments ago, and claim that person is in already, I'm just going to go ahead and calll you the liar troll you are. I know the internet is nothing but truthful, honest people who would never spout out some half-baked ideas, but you people are full of doo doo.

Edited by Darth_Mister
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Ok i get that people want to play Asap, but arent they giving out codes all day and night? Its been 3 and a half hours since the first wave of emails. By this afternoon (if bioware has manages the servers and ques right) most of the July peeps will be in. And even if you arent i mean come on they seem to be moving fast enough with it, even with trickling in players
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