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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Multiple Heals w/ Conveyance being removed in 1.2


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I wonder if this change will mean that benevolence has an actual use again.


I agree that the new priority system will probably be Rejuv --> Deliverance --> healing trance (assuming the particular sage has enough crit chance).


However, in situations where that rotation is not enough to top people off, and rejuv is still on cooldown, will people be more inclined to go for another 2.x deliverance or a 1.5 (costly) benevolence?


Curious what other sages are thinking.

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Level 50 Seer here, and I'm totally fine with it. Sages are awesome healers, and don't need to rely on this move in order to be highly effective. Maybe now people can QQ a little less about us and move on.


Also, I won't be putting Benevolence back on my tool bar because of this. I came to the conclusion it didn't add value to a level 50 Seer rotation before I knew about the Conveyance double-up, and I still feel the same way now.

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I wonder if this change will mean that benevolence has an actual use again.


I agree that the new priority system will probably be Rejuv --> Deliverance --> healing trance (assuming the particular sage has enough crit chance).


However, in situations where that rotation is not enough to top people off, and rejuv is still on cooldown, will people be more inclined to go for another 2.x deliverance or a 1.5 (costly) benevolence?


Curious what other sages are thinking.


In PVE I sometimes use benevolence with the rejuv buff because of it's reduced cost. In PVP I use benevolence as interrupt bait. But other than that, it just doesn't do enough to justify using it. So, if conveyance will only effect one heal and you can't 1.5 sec deliv-> 1/2 cost benev I don't really see if replacing healing trance. Even if you can do that, Why would you use benev anyways? Healing trance is instant and does more.

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In PVE I sometimes use benevolence with the rejuv buff because of it's reduced cost. In PVP I use benevolence as interrupt bait. But other than that, it just doesn't do enough to justify using it. So, if conveyance will only effect one heal and you can't 1.5 sec deliv-> 1/2 cost benev I don't really see if replacing healing trance. Even if you can do that, Why would you use benev anyways? Healing trance is instant and does more.


The situation I am thinking of would be you have used rejuv + deliverance and then healing trance. Hit noble sac.


Rejuv and healing trance are now on cool down for a few more seconds.


Your target needs more healing - do you use a cheap heal costing 2.7(adjusting for alacrity) or a 1.5(adjusting for alacrity).


I am starting to think this is when benevolence will be useful, as a 2.(lets say 2) heal is just too long in certain ops encounters. Of course sometimes you might have time to use that 2.2 second cast heal but I am betting (especially in hard/nightmare) you just dont have the time.


After benev is used, rejuv and heal trance should be back up.

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My rotation tends to be healing trance, rejuvinate, deliverance (if a big heal is neaded or salvation) and finaly noble sacrafice if resplendance trigered which is most times (have a crit chance of 35% so prety much garentied with the four ticks on healing trance).
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Level 50 Seer here, and I'm totally fine with it. Sages are awesome healers, and don't need to rely on this move in order to be highly effective. Maybe now people can QQ a little less about us and move on.


Also, I won't be putting Benevolence back on my tool bar because of this. I came to the conclusion it didn't add value to a level 50 Seer rotation before I knew about the Conveyance double-up, and I still feel the same way now.


If they're changing the game mechanics to prevent all double dipping then it's honestly a bigger nerf to the DPS sages, some of whom benefited from double psychic projection procs quite frequently. It brings hybrid specs much more in line with their full tree counterparts.

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