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BW getting rid of the RNG bag system in 1.2?


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Gladoss, titdiscus, Leoran: What do you plan to against Warzones’ AFK, more particularly about players who leave Warzones ? Will there be sanctions for this type of behavior?


Gabe Amatangelo: "It is not sanctioned behavior. In Game Update 1.2 we will be making changes to the Warzone rewards system, which will de-incentivize this type of behavior. This will include the removal of the interim bag/quest system, the introduction of the direct purchase of gear from Warzone and Ranked Warzone commendations, 14 new objective-based medals and participation scaling the rewards. Additionally, players will have the option to vote kick idlers. Kicked players will not be able to re-queue for several minutes."



So what he is saying we will finally be able to buy the gear with our Warzone, and future Ranked Warzone comms and not have to pray to the RNG gods? Sweet jebus, yessss!!!

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This will include the removal of the interim bag/quest system, the introduction of the direct purchase of gear from Warzone and Ranked Warzone commendations
While I'm glad they're getting rid of the bags, I hope they don't do something like make Ranked Warzone gear be as strong as Battlemaster vs Centurion, when compared to non-ranked gear.


Something like that would make the divide between casual and hardcore players even wider.

Edited by jcyrus
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This is going to be great! Premades can gear check PUGs and kick anyone who is under geared for AFKing. Can't wait for this.


my guess is there will be a filter on it to not kick people that have joined in combat for X time.. maybe like rift. so basically afk'ers will just macro to run out and be killed over and over yay!

Edited by Wolfahm
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