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Who has a higher position?


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Honestly, I think the Wrath would have more power than any single Dark Council member, because s/he does allegedly do the Emperor's will. In the final cutscene of Chapter 3 for the SW story, one of the Dark Council members (either Vowrawn or Ravage), says something along the lines of "You are answerable only to our ultimate Master." The ultimate Master being the Emperor, of course.


Darth Marr (I think? Dude with the awesome-looking body suit) makes a point of emphasizing that, so long as the Wrath's actions "do not contradict our own," the Council won't interfere as a whole. That said, the entire body of the Dark Council could beat the Wrath down hard, provided that they all found it necessary and agreed to do so.


I second this opinion.


But let me add that if the point being made is :Is the SI or the SW more powerfull (politically not game paower) then I would have to say the SW because

while the SI is made a member of the council is still is the newest member and has not yet that much power within the council. While the SW is a power on his own


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