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Coruscant 6th Datacron?


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I too am only aware of five, and I have found them all. But the codex says there are six on Coruscant.


I have found them in the Old Galactic Market, The Works, The Black Sun and The Justicar's territory, and the Jedi temple. That is one in each area on the world map.


There is only one more area on the world map, The Senate Tower, and I have been running all over trying to find a datacron. It would make sense that the sixth would be in this area, as there is one in each of the other areas.


I asked in game, looked on the forums, and searched the web and no place mentions more than the five I've already found.


Could the sixth be a bug?

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  • 3 weeks later...
The sixth for the codex is indeed the Matrix Cube Creation room which is located in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. You take the elevator and go through the portal directly next to the elevator, opposite the heroic quest area. ;)
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  • 4 weeks later...
Is this bugged? I've been in the chamber twice and have even created a matrix cube but do not have the lore of the 6th datacron.

Are you sure then that the Assembly is the one you are missing then? Have you pulled up your codex to see if you have the entry for the assembler? It should be before any of the Galactic History entries.


I think it is bugged. At least at level 50, I do not get credit for this when I enter the room. Quite frustrating. Additionally, I cannot get credit for any Lore Objects I try to use in the world once I hit level 50.


You get the entry added to the codex, it just doesn't display the exp message or display the "new codex entry" pop up.

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