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Different model types please! Not just color scheme changes


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This isn't a complaint its just a suggestion. Back in 2008 I was deeply involved in this game, I left countless feedback of what I thought would be essential for the games success. One of the things that I said was character customization and being able to distinguish one player from another.


It's been a while since launch and a lot of people have acquired their lvl 50 status. So i log in to play some warzones before I have to head to work. I'm sitting in the warzone waiting for it to start and I notice there are 4 people that look like a carbon copy of me, all decked out in centurion, champion, and battlemaster gear. At that point I look at 2 bounty hunters that look just alike and 2 inquisitors that look like twins. The same applies to the pve gear as well.


So i asked myself, why have 3 different tiers of armor for pvp that look exactly alike one another besides a small barely noticeable color change, and why have 3 different tiers of pve gear that look exactly alike (which isn't very appealing to begin with).


I keep on truck'n and then I notice that Juggernaut armor (usually warrior tank class) look exactly like my Sith Marauder (dps class) in every single way but a small barely noticeable color scheme change.


This doesnt even stop at armor, it even continues over to weapons. So i have this cool pre-order crystal that doesn't even scale, and I can't reverse engineer it. The yellow-black crystal, and then I have a green-black color crystal that doesn't scale either, so both of these item's that can make me feel more "unique" are useless after level 20.


Not being a game developer myself, I try to conceive ways to fix all these issues of players wanting to be unique. Well i begin will the initial development of the game. People will assume bioware ran out of time, that must be the reason why there isn't much armor or weaponry past lvl 50? Ok, understandable, but this didn't have to be the case. Instead of spending time and money on a space mini game, why not save that development time and money, and add space later on in an expansion? If 8 different classes was too much to handle, then why create so many at the launch of the game? Why not reduce the amount of side-missions and focus on the core fundamentals of the game? Why not leave a planet out and add it later? Why not hire more people that can develop more than one character model for only 8 different classes over a period of 4+ years of development?


It didn't have to be this way Bioware, I gave you good information to go on from all my experiences from MMO's way back in 2008, and then again when I got selected for general beta. I bled and sweat good quality information so we gamers could have a better overall experience, but you guys were always "too good to accept it", you guys never talked to us in beta, and you took silly questionnaires and statistics more serious than you took gamers that have very creative ideas and ways to fix many of the initial problems you are facing right now. Word of advice, listen to your community, the ones that play the game, the ones that put money into your pockets. People may think its just launch, and things will get better. Maybe they will, but I will not lie to you, all of this has already been brought up before, we have begged and pleaded almost a year ago for these same exact changes before the launch of the game.


To me the only difference from beta is I'm actually paying to play a game that really is, still in production, and really should still be in beta.


Thank you for your hard work, but please listen when I tell you, people don't want to look like each other, people want to be unique!

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So i asked myself, why have 3 different tiers of armor for pvp that look exactly alike one another besides a small barely noticeable color change, and why have 3 different tiers of pve gear that look exactly alike (which isn't very appealing to begin with).


So that your graphics card has a chance on handling it.


That's the reason MMO's have similar looking gear, especially at endgame. All those textures need to be loaded into memory every time you come into a zone. The more textures, the higher the requirements on the box (and ultimately, the fewer sales).

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So that your graphics card has a chance on handling it.


That's the reason MMO's have similar looking gear, especially at endgame. All those textures need to be loaded into memory every time you come into a zone. The more textures, the higher the requirements on the box (and ultimately, the fewer sales).


I'm pretty sure my 6990 dual gpu graphics card can handle it, if not then turn your graphics down :p

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