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Character Sheet (with gear) available on SWTOR.com


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This is a general suggestion to allow us to view our characters with their gear (and the upgrades in the gear) from the website.


Often times when I get a quest reward that is an enhancement or a mod, I have to go through every piece of armor/weapon I have on my toon to see whether it's better than what I currently have or if I should just take the commendations. This means, since we can only have 2 windows open at a time, it shows and hides a bunch of windows over and over and over again before I can properly make my mind up.


I resorted to creating a excel spreadsheet that I put the current upgrades in my gear in. Naturally, I forget to update this, then using it as a reference, I pick an upgrade having forgotten that I had just upgraded my equipment.


I know, it's kinda QQ, but I think it would be beneficial to many people. I have two monitors, so I always have my browser open on my secondary monitor. Being able to view all of my characters with their gear and upgrades, I'd be able to just hover over a piece of gear to know what my guy currently has. I understand it might take a couple hours for the site to be upgraded with that information.


I don't know, maybe LOTRO spoiled me with that capability. I know other MMOs do not have this functionality, but I thought it was extremely useful.

Edited by MaskedDriver
Added .com to specify that character sheets available on the website.
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  • 2 years later...
i am actually currently trying to make a program where u can plug in your gear and it will calculate all your stats and everything just having problems with the math parts and some coding issues if anyone really good at that kind of stuff i am only just learning from ITT
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  • 1 month later...
i am actually currently trying to make a program where u can plug in your gear and it will calculate all your stats and everything just having problems with the math parts and some coding issues if anyone really good at that kind of stuff i am only just learning from ITT


What sort of program? I do coding for a living, but it depends on the interface/language.

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