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Your funniest way to deal with griefers (Aside from ignoring them)


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So... griefers... People that roll into RP servers just to laugh and try to mess up RP, because they are cool like that. The people that we love to hate and regard anyone with an opposing opinion as. How do you deal with them? And I mean the funny ways, not like the mature way of just /ignore (which I do too, but only after I make the joke), I knew someone who RPed griefers as IC people, and whenever they'd come jumping around hm in a tavern, he'd ask me, "Did you hear something?", or even start to try to RP with him just for the laughs. The encounters were always funny. I have one personally...


So I was on my Smuggler the other day on Vrook Lamar, chatting it up in a Nar Shadaa Cantina with a couple of random people. While I was chatting with those guys, an Imperial Bounty Hunter who shall not be named gets up on the counter as to block my view, somewhat... Of course, his groin area is right above my character's head, so I just do...


*Shaffer takes his blaster and shoots -Bounty Hunter's name- in the crotch.*


And then I put him on ignore, and he goes away, obviously weirded out.

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Depending on just what they're doing, and just how annoying it is, RPing with them (or with their existence) can often lead to some good fun.


I have fond memories of one session in which we started talking about the plague we heard about, the first signs of it were (whatever the griefer was doing at the time), then escalated to (whatever - we had loads of fun making up terrible outcomes).


Another time, one of us present RP'd a very vain and egotistical - and stunningly beautiful/handsome - male character. He began speculating that the griefer was desperately trying to get him (the vain friend) to notice him, that the griefer was suffering badly from unrequited love for him. That chased the griefer (who was apparently also homophobic) away real quick-like. :)


The people that we love to hate and regard anyone with an opposing opinion as.


That made me laugh hard. I've been called a griefer plenty of times, on forums or general chat, just for having unforgivably different opinions.


Edit: My examples above were from a previous game. Haven't had enough RP encounters that were disrupted yet here in swtor.

Edited by Sendra
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If they're icly griefing and I see someone emote or say anything to them, I usually have my character react as if the person is talking to thin air and obviously must be a bit of a coo-coo. Has given some fun situations xD
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I generally countertroll, to some extent.


Say they godmod shooting me.

"GAH! I'm hit! Call a medic! That ruffian shot me! I'm dying! Anybody!? C'mon!"

Either makes them bored, so they leave, or gets a few laughs.


The one time I didn't was facing the ever-present threat of griefing ERPers on Wyrmrest Accord. There was only one solution for that problem: Nuking from orbit.

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I generally countertroll, to some extent.


Say they godmod shooting me.

"GAH! I'm hit! Call a medic! That ruffian shot me! I'm dying! Anybody!? C'mon!"

Either makes them bored, so they leave, or gets a few laughs.


"Oh no. Spaceballs!"


"Well, there goes the planet."


'nuff said.

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