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So whats the dps build used in pvp these days?


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I don't agree with that post on many different points -- one of the larger one's being if you have 3 focus available, there is no point at which Slash is a good spend, nor is spending talent points on an attack that low in the priority system.


Neither here nor there, because the guy asked about PvP.


PvP you really have three options:


- You can play as a tank -- meaning heavy shield w/ some vig, heavy vig w/ some shield, or heavy focus w/ shield. All are played in Soresu, and the w/ shields are at least deep enough in shield to pick up warding call. Playing in Soresu you're sacrificing focus generation (read as: damage) for guard and higher base mitigation. Some people like this playstyle, and you can do respectable damage while keeping someone else (normally a healer) alive longer.


- You can play as DPS, in appropriate forms: Shien for Vig, Shii-cho for Focus - the talents are fairly self explaintory so going deep in the correct tree it's hard to really make a major screw up. The differences between the trees are as follows (imo):


- Vig is built around weapon damage, light dots, and a CC immunity on leap. You have an active attack priority to manage, so it feels faster paced. At lower gear levels Vig suffers because it relies heavily on crits to turn good damage into great damage -- at solid gear levels Vig shines and can output solid damage. Where it suffers is directly against geared healers with bubbles, since the damage is part of a chain if any piece of the burst sequence falls flat, you'll feel it. Other than that, Vig is straight forward single target DPS, and it's fun as hell. I can average 8-ish medals a WZ as Vig.


- Focus is built around talent boosted Force Sweeps. You build stacks of singularity to boost sweep damage, you leap for a 100% chance of sweep crit, then you sweep. It's incredibly easy to play effectively, and with solid gear and support you can really wreck havoc quickly (After the surge and buff stacking nerfs, my highest sweep in BM gear is 6102 and Im not biochem). Since the damage is bursty (even though the total damage over time is probably less than Vig) it's incredibly hard to outheal when you're latched on to someone. Where Focus can suffer is against smart players who move well, because Sweep has a bad habit of ghosting around (meaning where you see your hit landing on the ground and where you see your opponent at are slightly different between you and the server) -- and you will drop a fully buffed Sweep and hit nothing. The damage lulls and spikes can be problematic as well until you get a feel for them. I can average 10-ish medals a WZ as Focus (the two I don't get as Vig reuglarly are the 5k hit medal, and the 2.5k heal medal from resolute critting with the 10% heal talent ).


Personally, I find Focus to be far more effective in pvp and I like the playstyle. Vig is really amazing, however, when you've got solid healing -- which, if you pug, just doesn't tend to happen as often as you'd like. I also find Vig frustrating because the animations for OH slash and BS often stutter for me when I really need them to hurry the hell up and go off. Other than that, you can put out very similar damage with either over the full course of a WZ.

Edited by Drakks
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Focus sure is awesome for the Sweep bombs, but you just feel so much more more survivable in Vigilance. It's a tough call - i'm currently specced Focus, but I think i'll be going back to Vig. I hate feeling so squishy.


Vig isn't entirely more survivable inherently. It still leans on gear heavily, and on taking a few DR/Endurance + talents to really keep you from being a bit of a glass cannon. Or in the under-geared stages, a glass crowbar. Still I find that Vig offers much better through-put on damage than the spikes and valleys of Focus.


That being said my Marauder's damage is by far much more consistent and with less jerks and stops. So all the guardian DPS will be getting a touch-up I'm sure. Because I know full well that before we can have a combat log we need to display better numbers or the jig is up.

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