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Another stab in the back.


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I never raided and frankly i cant compare DPS (alot of ppl bashing Jugs seems to be able to though), so whats the future of Jug DPS in the end-game?


IMHO what you would be asking is: "What am i doing in this guild?! Better find one with smarter leadership...":rolleyes:

Edited by Vespertilius
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I never raided and frankly i cant compare DPS (alot of ppl bashing Jugs seems to be able to though), so whats the future of Jug DPS in the end-game?


I'm pretty sure you already got the point OP :) your jugg is fine, your Guild Leader is ignorant, and being idiotic about his ignorance.


I quoted that part above, and I know your probably either just thinking out loud, or theorizing, but that quote is one of the reasons that your GL's ignorance can continue to fester.


That statement is already implying, before you even ask the question, that Jugg DPS is poor. people read that and "assume" that Judd DPS sucks, without even trying to find the real information.


I have read JACK SQUAT about any information saying that other classes DPS more. And I dare anyone to find it. Those that Actually are willing to run a few tests I've seen show Jugg DPS in the upper range of the classes. most these tests are timed single mob pulls, but they are something...far more then what I see from peeps who like to wallow in ignorance.


You don't need dps meters to "show" that a Jugg can do DPS. like someone said before. a 3-5m timed event with a buddy will show you all that you need. If someone wants more then that, then they're in the wrong game.

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good idea man.


The 1v1 boss fight in EV can also be a decent indicator. Assuming the two classes being compared are fighting the same mob type...I'm a Veng DPS in 16man HM right now (KP cleared, Soa will be dead this week). I destroy things, plain and simple.


Really the best advice I can give you is to not even waste your time trying to prove Jugg dps is viable. Your intended raid leader is probably a scrub...Even IF Jugg dps was actually crappy compared to others like the sniper, if he is actually worried about that holding his raid back then he runs some craptastic raids.

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Actually I disagree that the Infernal council is a good indicator of DPS. Here's why: They knock snipers out of cover preventing casts, they are immune to cc and cannot be attacked from behind (thereby negating a decent amount of Assassin deception spec damage.) They also inhibit an Annihilation mara from using beserk' thereby limiting their dot damage.


What the inf council does is artificially inflate some classes dps whilst penalising others. Beware of using this an any real indication of dps. A better indicator would be as others have already pointed out: find the same champ mob, and time how long it takes to dps it down. Then do it until you have at least a few examples with which to compare.

Sith warrior.com is also handy for DPS notes and tips.

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Yesterday i got asked by my guild leader what days can i raid. After some easy going talk he announced to me that "incidently, you have to turn your Jug into a tank since Jugs dont do comperative dps compared to marauders or snipers or assasins".


Juggernauts Vengeance are very gear dependant, but Rage goes pretty well for starting make DPS (as the damage is based more on getting more percentage damage and 100% crit on Smash).


If you wanna "test" your dps, start at the same time other people on the fourth boss on Eternity Vault. Its a good dps test as everyone will have the same issues (knockbacks, bleed, etc) and its a 1v1.


I as juggernaut Vengeance can be the second one finishing even while i am the one who triggers the event and have a "stupid" habit of bowing as respect against my enemy :p (the only one who beats me is a BRAINED [yes, there are some] Arsenal BH).

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