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the resolve bar system is great


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They really need to fix this thing. It is absolutely retarded that after my resolve bar is full, it takes another 5 seconds before it goes down and actually works. By that time, I am basically already dead. This thing needs some serious work and knowing Bioware's efforts, it won't be fixed until more than a month away. They won't deem this as a immediate fix, just like their issues not allowing people to get datacrons because of their body size or kicking people out of operations when a player accepts a resurrection while still in battle.
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no the issue is that not all abilities apply resolve equally. So like Immortal Spec Juggs their CC generates SO MUCH resolve. And then you have other classes who their can hit you with two small stuns, a moderate stun, and then finish it with a hard stun so that the player sits with a full resolve bar and stunned.



The bigger issue is damage in relation to stuns is too high and that resolve doesn't affect roots.

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