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Sell the Guardian


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I have played a Sentinel to 50 and loved it. Watchman spec and I'm an interrupt addict, it seems. I love having kick on a 6 second CD and Force Leap for Focus generation and 0m additional interrupt. My group switches servers and I an starting from scratch.


What does a DPS guardian bring to the table besides Sunder Armor? My biggest concern is interrupts since they seem to be so vital in the end game.

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Gosh... nothing nice to say about Guardians at all? Are Guardians crippled in the interrupts department or just simply not as good as the Watchman? From what I can tell, Vigilance is way simpler than Watchman, though I could be wrong.


Sunder looks nice. Looks like 5 stacks would increase the entire group's DPS pretty significantly. That has to be worth something.


The only thing I'm seeing that really puts me off is the lack of Force Leap distance reduction. 0m and 10m = no comparison. 10m Leap seems nearly useless. Especially as an interrupt (but honestly even at 0m it is less than idea since it has a delay and has to be off CD and GCD) so that fact may be practically moot depending on what else the Guardian brings.

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I know a lot of great Juggernauts. Most of them are either rage-specced or some immortal/vengeance hybrid.


They can take a lot of punishment and are, in my opinion, the strongest tanks out of the three. They have superior defensive cooldowns that offers an across the board damage reduction, rather than type-specific.


Also, they have force push! Which is an incredibly fun ability to use. Intercede for easy wins in huttball as well.



Of course, this is based on the opinion of a rank 57 healing operative. My word probably won't be as strong as that of an actual Juggernaut.


[Edit] Sorry for using the sith names for things, habit.


Juggernaut = Guardian

Rage = Focus

Vengeance = Vigilence

Immortal = Defense

Intercede = Guardian Leap

Edited by Majspuffen
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Sentinel: Better solo spec


Guardian: Better team spec



Sentinel is better for solo PvP. More self-oriented cooldowns, self heals through Watchman, good damage, shorter cooldown interrupt. This is not to say that they bring no team utility. They have the only mortal strike in the game, and they can also increase team damage and healing through their centering mechanic, as well as provide a group speed boost. They have a lot of tools to win in a 1v1 situation.


Guardian is better for team play. Defensive specced has more defensive cooldowns at the expense of damage vs focus specs that can put out good burst but only have 1 defensive cooldown of note (Blade Ward), but all Guardians have Guard, Taunts, Guardian Leap, and Force Push, in addition to our AoE snare. Slowing groups of opponents in Voidstar, moving the ball quickly in Huttball, defending nodes in Civil War (particularly with a partner), all of these things a good Guardian does well in addition to putting out respectable damage.


I won't bother talking about PvE because honestly either one can fill a DPS role effectively. Guardians do have the additional option to tank though.


Both Sentinel and Guardian are good classes for PvP, it all depends on your style of play.

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Guardians are great in the protection realm as far as PvP goes. Taunt, AoE taunt, Guard, Guardian Leap and the ability to AoE slow groups are all really beneficial. In PvE they're functional tanks but not (imo) on par with Vanguards. As far as DPS is concerned in my opinion they're nothing to write home about. In PvP 1v1 I often get wrecked on my Guardian by Sentinels simply because they're putting out more damage and have better defensive cooldowns. I'm not super well-versed on the names of their abilities but a Sent can drop Pacify on me and follow with Rebuke and Guarded by the Force all while tearing me a new one and it's pretty much GG.


Focus is the big burst spec that everyone gets a ***** over but really it's not the end all be all it's described to be. It's good, don't get me wrong, but I'd still take a DPS specced Vanguard/Powertech or a Sent/Mara any day of the week.

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I appreciate the feedback. I have a Shadow Tank I'm working on, so a tanking guardian in no way appeals to me. From what I can tell, as far as DPS specs go, Watchman is the way to go. Especially since I am already familiar and comfortable with it. BW won't let me change, so it is tempting to just do what is familiar.


Its either going to be Watchman Sentinel or Vigilance Guardian, and so far nobody has sold Vigilance.

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Focus is the big burst spec that everyone gets a ***** over but really it's not the end all be all it's described to be. It's good, don't get me wrong, but I'd still take a DPS specced Vanguard/Powertech or a Sent/Mara any day of the week.


one trick pony aoe that you need to build up to do it and make sure not to miss it. I like it but it is simplystic

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GUARDS are very good, especially if you spec in focus at end game. You do almost as much dps as a sent WITHOUT having to activate 10 cooldowns for every fight and the defense is much better. If u get in a sticky situation, u activate endure pain and soresu form and u can off tank. Sents are good, but guards are much less squishier and easier to use without their crap load of cooldowns
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Guardian gets force push. Push/leap combo is great. Makes you feel more like the jedi in the movies.


Sentinel feels like a guy with swords that happen to look like lightsabers in comparison.


Also, force push people off ledges.

Edited by Gravh
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