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Best companion for Marauder


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Not nearly enough Vette lovers for my taste :(. Vette does more damage to groups than Jaesa and there's soooo much aoe grinding in this game. I love Vette's personality too. More interesting to me than Jaesa's shallow "gonna murder everything in the universe x2." I use Quinn for tougher fights but Vette pretty much the rest of the time. I do keep all my companions geared, however, in the off chance I want to use them. Might be why I'm so poor...:p


My jaesa and quinn are decently geared, now working on the others. I am aiming to have them all geared up to the same level as well.

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To answer your question:

I would use Jaesa or Malavi. However, in my opinion, all companions are given for a reason, right? So, you use that to answer the question. If you're dying easily, use a healer or a tank companion. If you can't get that last hit to kill the enemy, use a dps or ranged companion. One thing to also keep in mind, ALL valuable companions should have armor that connects to their most useful statistics. I'd suggest doing quests to get that armor that your companion needs, or if you are lvl 50, buy PvP gear for your compnaions.

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  • 1 year later...

Well , was easy for me to decide , Vette all the way . Yes , you might need to take a '2-3 sec break' here and there , but you'll wipe Elite's in no time .


Lemme explain something ;


Quinn's healing will get lamer and lamer with every 10 levels , from above 30-40 + you'll need to 'take a break' every 2nd Group , since he won't be able to keep up and properly heal you + you lose Aggro very easy/fast .


Tanking Companions , are the worst to level with as a DPS . They'll keep Aggro (depends) , but they'll get wiped in no time (specially in Chap 3 Ending , you'll know what I mean once you get there ^^) and you won't be able to Tank the Boss for a long time , even with all your Def Buffs up = You'll need to 'run' , so you can re-start the Fight .


DPS + DPS , is probably the most Effective combination atm or well , many prefer it . If you keep yourself and your Companion *up-to-date' geared , you'll wipe Elites in no time , they won't even get the chance to get your HP under 50% . Even soloed H4s (Well yes , can take a while tho and you'll have to take a 'few' breaks before you get to the Final Boss , but it's possible) .


I used the Anni Tree until 47 (until I unlocked FC) then I switched to Rage and I can tell you , I have no problems 'smashing' my way through to the Elite(s) + Vette's AOE , is actually way to easy .



At the end , choose the Companion you like the most , if you Gear Him/She up , you'll have no problems killing Elite's or ADDs .

Edited by ahzecklawd
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