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Kill trading in Ilum and WZ bugging


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So I log on today to find Emps and Reps AoE kill trading in Ilum. Whatever, got my daily done fast at least.


Queue up for some warzones, they'll be fun right? Wrong. Emps are purposely bugging game after game so it's always 12v8 (and trash talking about their prowess, but that's neither here nor there).


Reported, as I guess many have. No doubt a pointless exercise.


So PvP wise that leaves, well nothing. Log off. GG Bioware. Great work.

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Ok. Bioware can't stop kill trading. At some point, the community needs to police itself and do what's right.


On the WZ issue, there is a patch for it on the PTS. When you see it happen in live, open a ticket with Bioware. They can look at the logs and punish the people who intentionally exploit the bug.

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Ok. Bioware can't stop kill trading. At some point, the community needs to police itself and do what's right.


On the WZ issue, there is a patch for it on the PTS. When you see it happen in live, open a ticket with Bioware. They can look at the logs and punish the people who intentionally exploit the bug.


Uh ya they can its called policing the game with GM's.


GM logs into a server goes to ilum sees them trading kills, temp bans them all.


Hey guys dont do that you will get temp banned then perma banned.


Theres plenty they can do.... not only that they have metrics that according to them can see everything that happens in the game.


So ya pull your head out of the sand.

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Hi there,


This was recently updated on the 1.1.4 patch notes and thought you might like an update!





  • Fixed a queue interface exploit that allowed players to bring additional players into a warzone. While imbalances can still happen under specific circumstances, the issue can no longer be intentionally triggered by players in this way.

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Hi there,


This was recently updated on the 1.1.4 patch notes and thought you might like an update!


What about intentional kill trading? I know it's hard to determine and I know we can't have a GM sitting in Ilum 24/7 nor one respond immediately when it happens via tickets. However, I am just wondering if there will be a perhaps, better objective system put forth so that kill trading is well, pointless.

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What about intentional kill trading? I know it's hard to determine and I know we can't have a GM sitting in Ilum 24/7 nor one respond immediately when it happens via tickets. However, I am just wondering if there will be a perhaps, better objective system put forth so that kill trading is well, pointless.


The problem is definitly in the objective of Ilum. To get your daily done you either need 30 armamants and/or 30 player kills. The armamants are in short supply, especially if there are several other players at your Assault point...circling like vultures. So, that leaves killing.


Now killing players is all well and good, thats really why we PVP, right? Problem is many servers suffer from balance issues between the sides. Most have a much greater number of Empire players over Republic. Republic try to come out to complete their daily, but they get rolled and after awhile it's no longer fun. So, since armamants are fairly hard to come by, kill trading was introduced to get dailies done on both sides in a timely manner. It makes sense as both sides get to benefit, although you could say the side with the fewest numbers gets the most benefit as they may never get their kills otherwise and they probably receive more valor as a result.


I'm not sure how you could fix Ilum with the population balance. Maybe provide a buff to the side with the fewest numbers in the PVP area to offset the numbers, I dunno. Either way the current system is no good.

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OH BOO Ho about the kill trading on Ilum! I keep hearing the dang Armament thing is like trying to find the eggs left by a Drunken Easter Bunny and even with 16 of them in the center it takes some times an hr or more depending on the people there to get the 30 done.

So what if Republic & Imperials are kill trading, to get the Weekly or daily done, big whoop.

It is just a game and if people cannot seem to understand that then go back to Playing WoW or some other game like LOTRO or Hello Kitty Adventure Island where this kind of stuff doesn't happen! Well cannot say about WoW since i never played the game which destroyed SWG!

Kill Trading goes way back to the early days of SWG as far as i remember, and even then they couldn't stop it because technically it was a game function the Imperials Vs Rebels or even en Jedi Vs BH for the FRS system! Heck Kill trading was even done in the PvP battlezones of SWG alot of times!

So if you do not like this going on then do not go there or get ya stuff done and just leave because you are just crying over spilled milk!!

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