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PvP Sorc Mod/Enchancement Help


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Thank you for the response. I have seen some of your post in these forums and what you say has made sense to me. I guess another question is, some of the mods/enchancements, would you lose some willpower to gain a lot more surge/power? Or even crit?


Yes to some, no to others. At most gear levels, Power is about 90% the value of Willpower, and is actually relatively static around this value across most gear sets. Assuming you have a relatively sane crit chance (somewhere between 30 and 35% fully buffed), Surge is somewhere between 75 and 100% the value of Power. Crit will be somewhere around 50-75% the value of Power, unless you have a serious deficiency or glut of it, and Alacrity will likely be 50% or less of the value of Power. It's really hard to get more precise than that, btw.


That means that when swapping Willpower for Power, as long as you gain at least 11.1% more Power than the Willpower you're sacrificing, it's probably worth it. Surge, I'd aim for at least 20-25% more than the Willpower, minimum. Them again, it's nearly impossible to swap out Power for Surge, so good luck with that one. Crit, unless you're getting around twice the crit as the Willpower being sacrificed, it's going to be a loss.


Now for Power. Power can be directly substituted by Crit, but is almost universally a loss to do so (since you're going from a Power/x to a Crit/x enhancement, or a Willpower/Power to Willpower/Crit mod). Power can be replaced a bit by Surge or Alacrity due to Enhancements with differing ratios of each, but you'd need a good 10-20% more Surge than the Power you're sacrificing to make that worthwhile. Alacrity...just no.

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