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This game has broken my heart.


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The writing was on the wall well before launch.


I ordered the cheapest version, I rolled republic so I'd be the underdog, I always thought I'd only get about 2 months fun from the game due to it being gear grind instanced endgame.


move on, wait for the next one, put this in the nostalgia pile of "it had potential but..." that all old jaded mmo gamers carry around with them.


I'm still waiting for ultima2


amen.. no game has ever surpassed UO...


Kal Vas Flam!

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SWTOR went from being good, to being OK, to being a boring grind fest.


That translates into first playing new character to level 1-50, to first starting pvp and getting some new gear, to takes forever to get better new gear, same level over and over and over and a horrible win/loss ratio. It just blows my mind what bioware was thinking. But hey, i might as well use some of my remaining game time until syndicate comes out. All in all this game was a huge disappointment and is an insult to the memorable KOTOR series. Oh god Mass Effect 3 please do not disappoint, it deserves a some pirating first to see if my hard earned money is worth spending on it.

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I was looking forward to this game for so long. I ordered the Collectors Edition the day it was available. I gave everything I had in that "other game" away, swearing to never go back.


The people who do things like this are always disappointed, you get so excited about an idea and you dream of how its going to be when whatever it is that you are pinning all your hopes and dreams on comes out.


Well nothing is ever as great as you expect it to be when you fantasize about it for so long.


Its like that kid who asked for the super awesome toy for xmas and when he opens the box its something barely even vaguely related got from the dollar store.

Edited by Kelticfury
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When the game is out of it's pay to play beta phase, I'll think about coming back.


I couldn't have worded it better myself. I cancelled last night. Tomorrow is my last day here. Might come back in 4 months to see how things have developed. Maybe even 6months. See what else is out there to play then I guess.

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What an insteresting life you must have.


Im just checking for crybaby like you and how this game is dying slowly... yes, Its a pleasure to see the dowfall of Biofail.


They dont deserve anything better right now for stealing our money on a Beta phase crapy mmo.

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Good game, and frankly if this game doesn't buck up its ideas soon i'm out of here too, end-game content is impossible to get into unless you have 130+ rated equips, guilds are good but only if they're BIG (Talking 50+ people on at peak times here).


PvP is becoming a joke with everyone rolling hybrid sages/sorcs and surge maras/sents, glad that mercs got a surge nerf, but it wasn't enough, they needed to nerf the base damage of "win missile".


And this is coming from a guy that has a 50 merc, it does way too much damage, especially for those stacking surge.


So there you go, lots of memory leaks and forced ctds and frankly, if it carries on like this, i'm gonna preorder for tera beta and wait for the launch.


1. Actually, endgame is MORE than possible with less than 130+ rated equips. Hell, 8 mans in normal mode can be done easily in 120+. If you're talking 16 mans, then yes, but that is being addressed now. Most guilds who have 8 man HM's on farm are having difficulties with 16 normal.


2. Yes, hybrids can be a pain, but not impossible to kills. I can 1v1 them on my merc depending on the situation, but again, this isn't a 1v1 PvP game. As for the "win missile" I guess 1.6k non crit hits on champ/BM geared people is way too much for a 1.5s cast....lol


Don't get me wrong, this game does need some more work and polish, but this happens with just about every MMO release as of late. Look at all the games that were hyped up based on either PvE or PvP content, game play, etc. Aion, Warhammer, Rift, Star Trek Online, etc etc etc. All these games had promise, but most always were disappointed about a month or 2 after launch (like now), be it by the hype not being what they thought, lack of patience, too much personal focus on one part of the game over the other, etc.


Just a word of advice for those waiting on GW2 and you can take this anyway you want. Don't get caught up in the "hype" of a game that's not even released yet. You might save yourself some major disappointment incase the game isn't what you thought it was going to be...

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I was looking forward to this game for so long. I ordered the Collectors Edition the day it was available. I gave everything I had in that "other game" away, swearing to never go back.


The journey to level 50 PvE story wise was amazing. Everything after has been nothing short of a disappointment. Raids are just "ok". The PvP is the worst I've seen in any game I've played since I started with MMOs in 1998.


My guild raids 2 days a week and my plan was to pvp the other days. I've gotten 6 pieces of champ and 6 centurion, Valor rank 45ish. It's a terrible grind and nearly no fun at all. Takes 2 or 3 days to complete a pvp daily with the aweful win/loss ratio.


We can't all be in magical pre-mades and I'm nearly always #1 or #2 on charts.


I'm working on my 3rd level 50 now but for what? So I can go through the same disappointment over and over and over?


I don't know what you have to do to fix the pvp in this game... Premades in their own bracket? Battlemasters+ in the own brackets? Cross server Random ques?


Something has to be done ..... I mean - jesh , none of the friends I started with even bother logging on anymore.


I'm a grown man, but this game is destroying any desire I have to play anymore.




your first problem was you were looking forward to something.

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