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Armoring in the 30s...need some help.


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I have a level 38 Sentinel, watchman spec. I love the class and spec.


But one thing that has been driving me up the wall is the relative unavailability on the Commendation vendors of the armoring and hilts for Sentinels. It seems like for 2 or 3 commendation vendors in a row now, the commendation vendors offer mostly or in some cases (like Balmorra) ONLY Guardian mods. Guardian Armoring 14, 15, Guardian hilt 15, 16, etc... but not Might. The difference is Guardian is End > Str, whereas might is Str > End.


Now the hilts aren't a huge deal just for me because I happen to have Artifice as a crafting class, so I make sure to stay blue on those, max level I can use. But I can't make armoring, and just at the moment no one in my guild can, and every time I search the GTN, there's zip... skill mods and reflex mods but zip for either Guardian or Might.


I have the feeling there must be some vendor hidden SOMEWHERE that officers the Might mods and armors and hilts and the rest, and I'm just not finding it.


So... can someone help me? Where do I go to get Might-based modifiers? Or am I just stuck with a GTN that happens to suck on my server and nothing I can do about it?

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Sounds sort of like my situation, L37 Sentinel, Combat specced.


I'm cybertec, so can make mods (but not many blue ones), but I think I am using a guardian hilt in at least one weapon as there are no good might hilts to be had. (I think Tatooine or alderaan had might hilts available, but even then they were lower level than the guardian ones)

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Yep, I am having exactly the same problem,


Have you noticed that IF a vendor does have both Guardian and Might hilts, the Might hilt will always be 1 lvl lower than the Guardian hilts.


In other words, if the vendor is selling Guardian hilts 4 and 5, then the highest Might hilt will only be 4, and it's not just the Guardians, ALL the Hilts and Barrels will be 4 and 5 Except the Might Hilts, which will be stuck at 4.


And Hilts do not just effect the Str and Endurance stats, the Hilt lvl determines it's damage range, so in effect Bioware are nerfing Sentinels by not allowing us to buy Hilts of the same lvl as everyone else.


And as stated, some vendors do not even have Might Hilts, they have everything else, just no Might, it's bizzare.


Is it an oversight ?, a Nerf ?, God knows, lol


But, if your a new Sentinel player, dont get fixated on Might Hilts, if the vendor only sells Might Hilts that are 1 lvl below the Guardian Hilts, then fit a Guardian Hilt, always go for the higher number.


You will drop a little bit of Str, BUT your weapon will have a higher Dmg range.


At the lower player lvls, ie lets say 1-40, it's the Weapon Dmg range that is giving you your dps, NOT that very small difference in Str between a Might Hilt and a Guardian Hilt.


I mentioned this problem in another thread, where some guy was preaching to all us Sentinel Players, saying that we all have problems lvling up because we dont keep our gear up to date, lol


So I mentioned the Hilt problem, and got no reply, lol


That figures.

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I wouldn't care so much if I could just buy them on the GTN.


But the GTN mirrors the commendation vendors.... which is to say, the one type of hilt and one type of armoring I never, ever see, is the Might type. Now I don't care sooo much about hilts. I can make at least blue and sometimes purple of the max level hilt I can use. I make ones for myself and for Kira every few levels. So those are up to date.


But armoring, I just cannot do. And I can't get what I need/want from the commendation vendors, and I can't get it from the GTN either.


I wish I knew what the reasoning was behind this. It seems like each commendation vendor, if it sells Armoring 14, should sell all 8 (or however many) types -- Skill, Reflex, Guardian, Might, etc, etc. Why only sell certain ones?


I don't think it's just us. A level 50 smuggler friend of mine said he had the exact same problem for his stats, whatever they were... Skill or something. I'm just trying to figure out if this is a pointless gap, some kind of oversight... or whether there is some hidden place or vendor somewhere that sells these things and I just haven't found it.

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