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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Logical fallacy of punishing WZ quitters - It will hurt more than help


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I was never rabidly against nor obviously rabidly in support of a deserter debuff. I just think it's such an issue due to underlying issues. I also think that implementing a quitter debuff without addressing the underlying issues will make games less enjoyable for everyone.


First, enemy teams, whether premade or pug, will have no incentive now to not completely dominate an inferior team for the duration of matches. It will be much more difficult for inferior teams to attain even kill medals.



Second, we will have far more afkers and botters and any vote kick mechanic will be heavily abused by people who don't like the look of that level 12 or that fresh 50.


Third, this entire issue has created bad feeling in the community (or at least the percentage that visits the forum). Every thread is a flame fest now. Once a deserter debuff is implemented, a lot of people on the 'losing' side of this argument are going to deliberately lower their quality of play and participation in some warzones even if they don't afk. I know I will consider it sweet victory when I stay an entire match where my team is getting horribly farmed and my carcass fails to provide the enemy a single medal. Petty? Absolutely. But this entire issue is chock full of petty.


However, good changes could be in the works, too. Changes that could bury this issue once and for all, causing the flamers and trolls to move on. Cross server warzones. Rated matches. Perhaps better matchmaking. So all is far from lost. In the meantime, I really wish some people on this forum would take a logic and debate class before posting again.


I might need a refresher course some days myself.


To be perfectly honest, when I run my 4 man premade in the 10-49, I would and I will abuse the kick system. I will kick level 10-14s with my guild mates and anyone else who isn't up to par.

Edited by Anduiin
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