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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Little worried about PvP daily change


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Why would we fall behind in gear? I often leave an obvious steamroll loss sometimes. Just last night, I join a match, half my team is level 13 and lower. That is, 4 people level 13 and lower. And three of them are snipers, i.e. killfarmers who won't go anywhere near the ball. The enemy team is mostly 36+. Do I really need to stick around?


So I left. Immediately popped into next match, fair game, won 3-2 with 10 medals. I don't think I lost ANYTHING by leaving the first game early. In fact, I'm 99% positive I came out way ahead in valor per hour compared to staying.


Come 1.2, what happens? I'll still get teams of level 10-13s. Or morons, which happens at any level. Only I'll be penalized for quitting. So I'll either farm medals, or if they're too organized and we're getting farmed, just AFK in the corner somewhere. Or quit playing the game altogether, which is always a possibility.


Why do people quit? Some matches are an obvious loss. Why bother? Especially if you are trying to do a daily, which means you only want wins, not medals.




-Voidstar begins, ALL my team goes to one door. That's a loss. I've stayed for many of these, and they are 100% loss. Why stay? My team is morons. Move on.


-Alderaan begins, ALL my team goes to our nearest turrets and sets up camp. Enemy caps 2 other turrets and sets up camp. None of my guys move away from the turret. Again, that's a loss, 100% guaranteed mathematically proven loss. I don't need to sit there for 12 mins and watch that crap happen.


-Huttball, match begins, half my team doesn't make it to the ball, because they died along the way in fire and acid. Yes, I'm not kidding. I've seen it happen. I've seen a level 38 Merc stand in acid and shoot tracer missiles until he died. And you are asking me why I quit a match like that? I guess because such obvious stupidity is really painful to look at.


But at least for now, I have the option to quit. If penalties are introduced, my options are narrowed down to suffering through it. And why should I? Why should I suffer because of other peoples' ineptitude and stupidity? Another option is AFK. And third option is quit the game.


Since no game in history has EVER done a good job at dealing with AFKs, and BioWare so far has shown an alarming lack of understanding of basic MMO mechanics, and have done nothing to ban exploiters and cheaters, AFKing will be pretty safe.




I like PvP. I enjoy good close matches. Some of the best huttball matches I had were 3-3 where we won by seconds. But I will quit and afk if my team is brainless morons or lowbies. Because I don't enjoy playing with brainless morons and lowbies. Yes, I'm aware a lowbie gets bolstered and blah blah blah, but let's be honest here, most classes don't have even half of their abilities until 20-26. A level 10 might as well be an empty space.




It happens. But when people are acting intelligently, even if we're getting badly outplayed...guess what? I STAY! lol I don't mind losing because we deserve it, but when WE DO OUR BEST TO WIN. But when half my team doesn't know which side is up, I will absolutely quit the match and I will not lose a second of sleep over it. And if they all put me on ignore, so much the better, they're not the kind of people I care to interact with.




There's other cases where it's safe to quit. I was in an Alderaan match, and I'm watching three people attack a tank Juggernaut, with a healer Sorc standing 10m away spamming heals on him. I didn't even attack, I just stood back and watched the Jugg kill them all. They rezzed. And repeated the exact same thing again. Nobody went for the Sorcerer, they all kept hammering the Jugg. Now, based on that, do you think these are skillful, intelligent players who have a snowball's chance in hell of winning a match?


Why in heaven's name should I be punished simply for refusing to play with these cretins? Huh? When I join a BFBC2 server, and find my team is 90% snipers, sitting at spawn and we're losing the Rush match, should I be penalized for quitting too? Maybe even IP banned? A server like that would be pretty much dead very soon.


Guess what will happen to SWTOR? At first, it'll be TONS of AFKs. If nothing is done about them, and based on how BioWare dealt with Ilum exploiters, absolutely nothing will be done, that by itself has the potential to kill WZs.


This guy is why they ABSOLUTELY NEED to implement a quit penalty along with a vote kick option that way guys like this quit the game and hopefully cry themselves to sleep because no one wants to play with them anymore.


These are why we want this implemented, you are not the best thing to happen to warzones and personally i have won a game with 4 lvl 13s on my team in a huttball so whatever you think its the case or whatever the reason for your leaving is, you are not going to change and you will always quit regardless of the reason. SO all that being said thank God they are adding the leaving penalty

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