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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Remove Country-Specific Limitations for the Upcoming Free Server Transfer Programme


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Elitez is a 6 year online gaming community, with approximately 500 members (hailing from Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia and Australia) across many games. While some players have been with us since the start of World of Warcraft, we have advocated that many come over and start Star Wars: The Old Republic. We supported BioWare to build a community within their online game Star Wars: The Old Republic. Many gamers had become your willing customers, is waiting to see how well BioWare values their customers. We sincerely hope that BioWare does not only have interests in certain countries and thus has chosen to forgo the others.


Dear BioWare,


Hitherto, we have heard the views of many players and have endeavored to write to in.


If you choose to build a strong online game, you need to have a strong community of players and advocates that will support your game. Taking into account your players' opinions and working with certain communities in an impartial manner. Race and Nationality discrimination is unexpected from a reputable company of your stature and even LucasArts. Are we considered "non-target market"?


Bear in mind that, perhaps not as large as the states, Asia is an emerging market - westernized self-centered ideologies, favoritism, with no consideration of your supporters are frowned upon the asian community. Friends, Guild mates, Gamers, calm down. I trust that BioWare management has the sophistication and maturity to take the right course of action in the best interest of all the players. I would be greatly disappointed should the pleas of all the players shall continue to go unheard.



-Eldest of the Elitez

Edited by benxtan
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Don't underestimate the spending power of us Asians, Bioware. If you don't listen to us and want to break up our established community, you will lose players to other MMORPGs like the upcoming Guild Wars 2 where there is much more PvP and PvE content. Beta-testing for GW2 has already started, BTW...and by next week, it was said that videos of gameplay will be available.


I have defended SWTOR long enough. But now, I feel that if you don't change, we will.


Check our playing frequency-most of the Asians I know or met online play daily. Do you want to lose us as paying customers?


Your call.

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agreed. nothing much to add..


There is a lot to add.. What do you do if you have more than one character?? Assuming that people aren't transfering their entire accounts to another server.. At least in WOW a server transfer was a single character..


If I were a person that would benefit from this.. A single transfer would do me no good.. Just saying,..

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Firstly, you guys should take it easy. I am sure Bioware will allow anyone who wants to transfer to the new APAC servers to do so. I don't think they can or wants to restrict by IP address. They allow you guys to play in US servers, isn't it?


Secondly, the new APAC servers will be located in Australia. You better check the ping from your country to Australia.


For example, the players from S'pore are not exactly jumping for joy because the ping to US West servers are actually shorter than compared to Australia.


You can do a simple ping test in any of the online speed test websites.


At the end of the day, having APAC servers may not be a good thing to everyone (except maybe for the Australians and the NZers)

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i already posted a couple of days ago at the Customer Service forums:


hi. i read a post somewhere that said character transfers would be available to ppl if


"You specified that your country is Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, or Singapore during your account registration process."


my question is what about those ppl who live in other countries in asia like the philippines for example? would we be eligible to transfer to the new servers as well or must we be forced to reroll to them?


and this is the reply i got:


Greetings Ryanydc,


These are the currently announced countries. If there are any changes, updates or additions to this list it will be updated in the FAQ so keep an eye out there for updates.


Thank you for your time.

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I strongly agree with this thread. I can't understand why they would include Singapore when they have the smallest pop in SEA (5m). Malaysia and thailand have a combined total of nearly 100m people. I'm pretty damn sure there re more Malaysians and Thais on my server than Singaporeans.


This would make sense to me if they didn't include HK(also tiny pop) as then I would assume they just want countries in Asia-pacific with English as a first language. But since HK is included, it just stinks of something fishy. Anyone notice these 4 countries are the only ones in the oceanic region that are considered developed nations?

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I strongly agree with this thread. I can't understand why they would include Singapore when they have the smallest pop in SEA (5m). Malaysia and thailand have a combined total of nearly 100m people. I'm pretty damn sure there re more Malaysians and Thais on my server than Singaporeans.


This would make sense to me if they didn't include HK(also tiny pop) as then I would assume they just want countries in Asia-pacific with English as a first language. But since HK is included, it just stinks of something fishy. Anyone notice these 4 countries are the only ones in the oceanic region that are considered developed nations?


I do believe that English language was the main concerned.


Here are the official language of the following SEA countries :


Malaysia : Malay

Indonesia : Malay

The Phillipines : Tagalog

Thailand : Thai

Vietnam : Vietnamese


Why did they include HK? Well, its a SAR so they don't really have an "official" language. While majority of the HKers speaks Cantonese, they also are well verse in Mandarin and English, the later owning to their British colony heritage. So it is unlikely they will clamour for a "cantonese" version anyway.


If Bioware officially "recognise" other countries, they may then be obligated to also convert to the local language.


That said, I too feel transfer should NOT be country specific and any persons from any APAC countries who can converse in English should be able to transfer.


THAT SAID, as mentioned before, do you guys really want to transfer to Australia servers?


Please look at the undersea cables below.




Notice that cables to Australia is actually a bottleneck.


It makes more sense to place servers in HK or Singapore actually because these two locations has multiple connections to the rest of APAC.

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Please go to this site to do a ping test.




Especially players from Asian countries.


I did one for Singapore to US Westcoat and Singapore to Australia (east coast).


Average ping for SGP-USWest = 288ms

Average ping for SGP-AUS = 407ms


So the way I see it is at least for S'pore players, we should not be moving to the Australian servers and remain in US West based on lag.

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twinionx is actually correct. on my end, i have a higher ping going to singapore or australia than the us since i use lowerping. only reason for me to want to transfer is to be able to play with ppl near or at my timezone. its hard to do heroic quests when theres not much ppl online to group with..
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twinionx is actually correct. on my end, i have a higher ping going to singapore or australia than the us since i use lowerping. only reason for me to want to transfer is to be able to play with ppl near or at my timezone. its hard to do heroic quests when theres not much ppl online to group with..


I totally understand. With the lack of AC respec and LFG tool, it compounds the problem multiple times.


What I feel Bioware should do is to set up a "night owl" server for north Americans who play at off-peak hours to do so together.


Another thing is spread this information (about the ping around) and encourage all asian players to congregate in harbinger and jekk jekk tar (for PvE) and swiftsure (PvP)


That's the best we can do for now.


You guys have to decide if you want better ping but play at non-peak or lesser ping but at peak.


Don't forget that majority of SEA countries are at +8 GMT. Most Aussies and Kiwis are asleep by the time it is our 10pm or so. So in the first place, our common peak window is really very narrow, only about 2 hours.

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I'm a Chinese player and I was kinda looking forward to the HK server. But if the servers are placed in Australia as mentioned in this post, it would give me only worse pings than US west. Now there is still too my elusiveness on this transfer thing, but I do hope to play on a better pinged and populated server in my time zone.
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