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Healing Commando Question


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Hello everyone,


Okay. My question is this: Does it really matter whether or not a Healing Commando has to use an Assault Cannon. I know, really dumb question but I am only asking because there is nothing within the spec itself that involves an Assault Cannon. If I could effectively use a blaster rifle is it viable? For example, the blaster rifle has better stats/damage/etc.

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The "=/= healing" means: "when not healing".


For pure healing purposes, a blaster rifle does the job. It might be (i didn't check) that it reduces the healing done by hammer shot, but that's it.


You sacrifice some damage by using the blaster rifle, though, and you give up the ability to use hail of bolts and charged bolts, which i both find very useful when not being 100% busy healing people.

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healing amount is completely based off your Tech Power rating. Damage has nothing to do with it.


However, assault cannons are required for Charged bolts and thats a heal spec's main damaging ability so your really gimping yourself if you dont use one.

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when your using combat support and firing hammer shots at a ally it is based off of your ranged, so if your using a weapon that does less min/mix damage you also heal less. tech power effects the rest of your heals and and isn't based on min/max damage of your gun. Edited by Jordrek
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Jor im afraid that weapon damage rating does nothing for hammer shot healing.



It is completely based off of your Bonus Healing you get from tech stat.



Since each gun upgrade raise's your tech of course your healing goes up.



The numbers are pretty clear when you look at em, they dont match up to weapon damage in the slightest.

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True. But the same barrel results in a different min and max damage, depening if you install it in a blaster rifle or an assault cannon. (Just like the same armour mod results in different armour values when installing it in different kinds of armour. )


So, yes, a better barrel definitely helps your healing, but you can use the better barrel with any kind of weapon. Anyways, for any _real_ healing ability, the damage propery of your weapon indeed does nothing, only Hammer Shot might be influenced.


The damage done by Hammer Shot changes, depending on your weapon (same barrel and mods assumed), i did not check if it affects healing, too. Different people in this thread explain different opinions on this, no idea yet, who is right or wrong.


Anyways, i'd still advise to use an assault cannon, giving up Charged Bolts and Hail of Bolts is a bad move.

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If you are soloing you will be suffering from not having charged bolts and the weaker Full Auto casts.


If you only care about healing, the Tech Power rating on both weapons is the same, so it doesn't matter. But there are times, like on Soa, where if you can help pop out some burst dps it can be a big help, and SCC plus Charged Bolts (especially with Muzzle Fluting) is a great way to do that, and you can't do that without an Auto Cannon.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The real question is why would you want to run around with a girly blaster when you can run around with a giant assault cannon?


I like using a Rifle for PvP because it helps disguise me.


People assume I'm a vanguard and I can't count how many times they've just ran right past me. The best camo you'll ever get. Of course, as others have said, you won't be able to use some attacks.

Edited by Gankstah
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10/10 Nightmare.


Don't gimp your damage because you should throw out as much damage as you can when you can. If you're doing easy stuff, it doesn't matter as much, but you're still not doing as much as you possibly could.


Use an Assault Cannon.

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