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One of the worst launch i ever witnessed.


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Pre order ppls that waited for weeks that want to play befpre the 20 that cant cause of already in use cd keys, Missing e-mails in the duo of mails for the early acess, 3 hours of waiting listening to elevator musics and getting hanged up on the customer support lines.Just watch the customer service threads, total disaster imo, hope you guys will be able to survive and get into position of being able to overcome the wave of problems.Good luck hehe from what i saw i hope your staff is quite good and have not been chosen cause she cute hehe.
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Pre order ppls that waited for weeks that want to play befpre the 20 that cant cause of already in use cd keys, Missing e-mails in the duo of mails for the early acess, 3 hours of waiting listening to elevator musics and getting hanged up on the customer support lines.Just watch the customer service threads, total disaster imo, hope you guys will be able to survive and get into position of being able to overcome the wave of problems.Good luck hehe from what i saw i hope your staff is quite good and have not been chosen cause she cute hehe.


Dude game does not launch till the 20th. How can it be the worst launch ever if the game has not launched yet?


This is early access aka a soft opening!

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Considering all the issues, like you said its not even launch yet, 1/10 only is suposed to be playing and wait that the 9/10 ppls left try to join up.Prediction is give it a month before they can actualy stop doing over time at bioware customer service hehe. Edited by Titanarrow
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Pre order ppls that waited for weeks that want to play befpre the 20 that cant cause of already in use cd keys, Missing e-mails in the duo of mails for the early acess, 3 hours of waiting listening to elevator musics and getting hanged up on the customer support lines.Just watch the customer service threads, total disaster imo, hope you guys will be able to survive and get into position of being able to overcome the wave of problems.Good luck hehe from what i saw i hope your staff is quite good and have not been chosen cause she cute hehe.



Its the love of bioware we even get to play early at all. They even gave us 2 MORE days then before.


Why did people pre order skyrim? not to get in early. In fact, skyrim had virtually NO REASON to pre order and no body complained.


Here bioware is showing some love and gets backlash. I don't much care for server firsts as its not that type of game. This is more a single player refined experience with the added benefit of living in a vibrant, alive world with other players in it and questing with them as well.


****[mumble, mumble, mumble]***[something about ungrateful bastards]***[grumble, grumble]

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Pre order ppls that waited for weeks that want to play befpre the 20 that cant cause of already in use cd keys, Missing e-mails in the duo of mails for the early acess, 3 hours of waiting listening to elevator musics and getting hanged up on the customer support lines.Just watch the customer service threads, total disaster imo, hope you guys will be able to survive and get into position of being able to overcome the wave of problems.Good luck hehe from what i saw i hope your staff is quite good and have not been chosen cause she cute hehe.


In-breeding must stop!

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the best is yet to come the 20th on will be very interesting as i think they are going to try like hell to keep wait times down the first month and most likely fail as i dont think they are ready and are only delaying the long waits by days Edited by Hingster
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Considering all the issues, like you said its not even launch yet, 1/10 only is suposed to be playing and wait that the 9/10 ppls left try to join up.Prediction is give it a month before they can actualy stop doing over time at bioware customer service hehe.


The game was last counted to have over 3 million preorders. Haven't looked at the official count since then but sights are reporting it is the biggest launch in history.


that 9/10 "ppls" is a completely made up statistic. there are literally millions of us.


This has to be one of the best launch styles ever as it lets those who pre-ordered actually get shown some love and get to see the game EARLY.

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/Well why provide early acess then if not to actualy piss off ppl who wont be able to compete with other ppls that got to the game early.Its kinda unfair to all those hardcore fans not being able to actualy have a shot at world first etc as most ppl in game already have more then likely hit lvl 50 by the 20 Edited by Meluna
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I AM a DEFENDER oF SWTOR FoRUMS!! and it IS YOUR fault for not pre ordering the milisecond it became available and sitting on the forums for the last 2 years !!!!!!


Look at my join date. I came on the forums maybe twice before the Pre-order email. I got the pre-order email and pre-ordered as soon as it was available.


I got in on the 13th, because I registered and asked for more info.


Your sarcastic post is invalid.

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Considering all the issues, like you said its not even launch yet, 1/10 only is suposed to be playing and wait that the 9/10 ppls left try to join up.Prediction is give it a month before they can actualy stop doing over time at bioware customer service hehe.


Probably 3/10 of the people that want to play are playing.

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The game was last counted to have over 3 million preorders. Haven't looked at the official count since then but sights are reporting it is the biggest launch in history.


that 9/10 "ppls" is a completely made up statistic. there are literally millions of us.


This has to be one of the best launch styles ever as it lets those who pre-ordered actually get shown some love and get to see the game EARLY.


You got somethin brown on your nose :p

face it the staggered launch is stupid. Has no benefit, and will leave BW unprepared for the actual release when servers will be flooded.

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Oh really?

So it's in stores right at this moment?

I can go down and get my copy?




Yeah, didn't think so.


Get a brain.


The launch of a game is when the retail version goes live. Are we still in Beta? No. So yes technically it has launched, whether the official release date has come or not. Unfortunately some people cant wrap their brain around that concept.


No such thing as a pre-launch. The game is live buddy. Wheres your brain??

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