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Have you fought a Battlemaster Shadow?


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Dueled my friend who is a Battlemaster Shadow(I am also Battlemaster as of last night), I am full champion gear which puts me at about 60 something expertise less or so if he has full Battlemaster(I don't think he does though).


I'm watchmen spec.


So anyway, it went like this. Resoluted his initial stun, his first real attack out of stealth took me down to 50% health, which I immediately popped both my defensive cooldowns and then got stunned one more time and lost the duel without enough time even to do Guarded by the Force and pop a stim.


Have you guys tried dueling a heavily geared lvl 50 shadow before? I'm curious how it went for you as well.

Edited by FEDSTanker
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lol troll is fail


The intial attack from stealth would have only taken you down 50% health if you had 10k health and he had a lucky shadow strike crit and proc at the same time (unlikely) as it only has a 30% chance to proc.


My well geared shadow usually only crits for 4k tops, and thats pretty rare and needs the proc to do so and it's extremely rare for it to proc first thing out of stealh.


That's the only ability (shadow strike) that has a chance to do that much damage out of stealth and it's actually a poor opener choice, as is the 2s stun. If he opened with the stun and then the shadow strike he would be severly forced starved the rest of the fight.



Sorry, but if you are losing to shadows, even a well played one, then you are doing something extremely wrong.

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Well, you hit resolute too early. Since you knew he was going to stealth why didn't you hit cammo and run around looking for him? I do it from time to time to find stealth classes. When I find them use something like force stasis to build focus and lock them down. By bringing them out of stealth most of his dps is lost.....you can figure the rest out if you have a good rotation!
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From my experience it is close to impossible for a sentinel to kill a kinetic shadow (cant say much abt infiltration spec). KS is the idea sent killer due to the following:

- VERY high shield chance means we lose most attack power from: slash, strike, merciless slash, cauterize basic dmg.

- they have several 2 powerful CC: kick and stun (that is almost always ckilled for extra dmg)

- against watchman specced ... good shadow knows to wait for three dots before poppoing a 5 sec cleance skill that makes you immune to all force/tech powers. And at the same time shield+high armour allows to to ignore the rest of the attacks

- in case they really need to, they can use above and then combat cloak thus getting anohter opener/chance to rest and restore force


and so on.


And I also think the OP was trolling us in a way because the combat situation he describes was ... full of plot holes :)

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