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PvP help


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Hey fellas. I find myself getting frustrated with the Commando. I do fine in WZ's however the two times Ive come across imps in the open world I've lost both battles. Both were kinda close but not close enough really. One was a Maurader, the other was Juggernaut. In any case I'm looking for pointers to help me in 1v1. The problem I'm coming up against is the cast time of our abilities. How do you get enough abilities off while still trying to kite? Just need help on what skills you use and when so I can get an idea of what I'm doing wrong. Thanks again.
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Ironically enough, Marauders and Juggernauts are the classes I have the most trouble with in PvP. Marauders because they can seemingly gap close at will, their shield turn is insane, and they have a very quick interrupt, and juggernauts because of their massive health.


Everything else I turn into shrapnel.

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PVP is tough without having one spec's best skill..which in your case is Assault Plastique.


Trust me, it gets better. Just refine your rotation and keep grinding. Maybe try Gunnery out because that looks a little better than assault for when you are a lower level. Assault relies on full auto possibly finishing HIB's cool down(which you should be getting your next level and max out by 27) and assault plastique.

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There is a sweet spot where they can't use a leap/charge and cannot strike you.


I suggest mapping your keys a bit to help. Instead of turn left/turn right, I map those as strafe left/right and make "Q" and "E" hammer shots. This way, I can kite and hammer shot using the mouse to turn left/right.


Now if I only would wise up and go assault it would work that much better. :eek:

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