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Insight does it effect bleeds?


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Cauterize is a Melee skill therefore it's not modified by insight since insight only boosts the crits for Focus skills. Overload Saber is an Active Melee skill which is not affected by that either. Hope that answers your question.

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Tons and Tons of noobs are putting three points over there. But I wouldn't, and I'll explain why, and you can test fer yerself.



Your force attacks deal Kinetic damage. Burns deal Elemental damage. You don't have to believe me, it says so right on the tooltips. Now both are shown by yellow fly text numbers. But yo brother, and I don't think just because they have the same color, Insight affects them both. I'd bet a dollar that the coding is written to only increase Kinetic damage.


Sepc in Zephyr in the Focus tree. It's that talent that will lower the cooldown of your Force abilites for three seconds when you are in Chop-Suey form. Now that you are talented this way, go into Chop-Suey and back out, and watch which abilites cooldown changes.


Stuff like Force Sweep, Force Statis, and Blade Storm yo will get the cooldown reduction, but Caturize nor Overload Saber do not.





Those two above are enough to convince me to not waste my valuable trio of points into Insight when specing into a Burn spec.

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