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Nerf Sorcs


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So the other day I was playing Huttball, and there was that Sorc.

I Flashbanged him, Cover, Explosive Probe, Ambush, Followthrough and then that mofo died.

I mean, I had to use 4 abilities to kill him.

Thats way to much. He should like, die after the Ambush, so I can insta kill another sorc with the Followthrough.

Plain unfair.


Now I feel better, thank you.


Btw, whats with all those 'nerf snipers' threads? I kind of feel like I felt in the game that should not be named, when I played my rogue. You **** underequipped people, but as soon as a good player with good equip realizes you are there, your ****** days are over. Try surviving, yet defeating any tank class.


And, pre 50 PvP is not real PvP and no benchmark for balancing classes...


*rant off*

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Actually, thats how I engage 1v1 ^^ So I kind of was serious ;)



If that is exactly what you do then you should try to do ambush before the exp probe, because the ambush that you do BEFORE the probe will make the probe explode.

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If that is exactly what you do then you should try to do ambush before the exp probe, because the ambush that you do BEFORE the probe will make the probe explode.


I am aware of that, but consider this:

Flashbang is broken on damage, so I want to burst as much as I can as long as the target is unable to do anything.


If you use Ambush -> Explosive Probe flashbang ends here

If you use Explosive Probe -> Ambush -> Followthrough, Flashbang ends here


You get to use one more GCD worth of damage, before the target can react.

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he was obviously not geared or didnt have his shield or not in the lvl 50 brackets.


a good geared sorc with shield needs an ambush + (FT or EP) to break the shield.


because it looks like the residual damage isnt counted.


so if he has a 5k shield you ambush for 2-4K then you need an another attack to kill the shield and even tho you FT for 3K , the residual damage will be lost i think.


But yeah if i find an undergeared Sorc in the lvl50 brackets, i usually destroy them in 4-5gcd since i use legshot when he uses sprint

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