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Ataru form attack - what's that?


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Hi, in the ability and combat skill panel notes there is mentioned ataru form attack/attack - is it that secondary bonus attack of that ability or some other kind of attack, is there one attack of that form or more than one? In other words can anyone explain everything that involves ataru form? I don't get it all. Thanks.
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I'll try to precise my question:


1. Ataru form (Enters an acrobatic lightsaber form, increasing accuracy by 3%. In addition, your successful melee

attacks have a 20% chance to trigger a

second strike that deals x energy

damage. This effect cannot occur

more than once every 1.5 second) - here I think I understand it all: there's bonus second attack granted by af, let's get further:


2.Ataru Mastery (Increases the damage dealt by your triggered Ataru Form attacks by [15 /30]%) - why attacks not attack? does it still refers to that one bonus attack of af or there is other kind of attacks with that form?,


3.Combat Trance (Hits from Ataru Form grants Combat Trance for 6 seconds. When Combat Trance ends, you generate 1 focus. This can only occur once every 6 seconds) - If I good understand those hits are also from that one bonus attack of af?, and last the most important I think:


4. Blade Rush (Strikes the target with both weapons for x weapon damage and automatically triggers an Ataru Form strike. For 6 seconds after using Blade Rush, your Ataru Form has an extra 30% chance to be triggered. Requires two lightsabers) - I understand it triggers bonus attack of af, but how can it give extra chance to trigger af when its already on? or there is just not precise note and should be: "For 6 seconds after using Blade

Rush, your Ataru Form has an extra

30% chance to trigger bonus attack. Requires two lightsabers".


Anyone can explain that? Thx in advance.

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I'll try to precise my question:

2.Ataru Mastery (Increases the damage dealt by your triggered Ataru Form attacks by [15 /30]%) - why attacks not attack? does it still refers to that one bonus attack of af or there is other kind of attacks with that form?,


I think they used the plural "attacks" to mean that throughout the life of your character the triggered attack will happen more than once. Hopefully that clears it up a bit.

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I'll try to precise my question:


1. Ataru form (Enters an acrobatic lightsaber form, increasing accuracy by 3%. In addition, your successful melee

attacks have a 20% chance to trigger a

second strike that deals x energy

damage. This effect cannot occur

more than once every 1.5 second) - here I think I understand it all: there's bonus second attack granted by af, let's get further:


2.Ataru Mastery (Increases the damage dealt by your triggered Ataru Form attacks by [15 /30]%) - why attacks not attack? does it still refers to that one bonus attack of af or there is other kind of attacks with that form?,


3.Combat Trance (Hits from Ataru Form grants Combat Trance for 6 seconds. When Combat Trance ends, you generate 1 focus. This can only occur once every 6 seconds) - If I good understand those hits are also from that one bonus attack of af?, and last the most important I think:


4. Blade Rush (Strikes the target with both weapons for x weapon damage and automatically triggers an Ataru Form strike. For 6 seconds after using Blade Rush, your Ataru Form has an extra 30% chance to be triggered. Requires two lightsabers) - I understand it triggers bonus attack of af, but how can it give extra chance to trigger af when its already on? or there is just not precise note and should be: "For 6 seconds after using Blade

Rush, your Ataru Form has an extra

30% chance to trigger bonus attack. Requires two lightsabers".


Anyone can explain that? Thx in advance.


1. That "extra attack" you do in Ataru Form is called an Ataru Strike.


2. That damage bonus only applies to that extra strike you get while in Ataru Form - the Ataru Strike. While your Ataru Strike may have been doing a bonus of 325 damage, it's now doing a bonus of, say, 390 damage instead. It only applies to this "triggered extra attack," not to any of your other skills. Why this is important comes into play later.


3. How Combat Trance works is like this - when you do an Ataru Strike, which has a chance to trigger on any attack, you gain this buff which lasts for six seconds, and does not stack. When this buff wears off, you gain 1 focus. After that, if you do another Ataru Strike, you get the buff again.


4. What this skill does is this - it guarantees you make an Ataru Strike when you use it, meaning this can trigger Combat Trance if it's not already active. Also, it increases the odds of ANY attack after that to give you an Ataru Strike as well, as it provides a buff that lets you do this.

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4. What this skill does is this - it guarantees you make an Ataru Strike when you use it, meaning this can trigger Combat Trance if it's not already active. Also, it increases the odds of ANY attack after that to give you an Ataru Strike as well, as it provides a buff that lets you do this.


And here is a nice tidbit. Final skill in the tree: blade rush has 1 auto ataru strike "build in' BUT! It is also treated as a normal attack that can proc an ataru strike. That means that when you first use it - you have a 100%to get 1 ataru strike and 20% to get an additional one.

And if you use another BR in the next 6 sec you have 50% to proc second ataru strike thus making BR spam a very high damaging move.

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