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Just Finished class missions, and noticed something.


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Don't take my word for this, but I believe that the Darth title was not initially meant for the Sith Warrior and was only added because players complained that it wasn't fair one class had them while the other didn't.


Bingo, but the point about Lord and Darth above is also applicable.

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Don't take my word for this, but I believe that the Darth title was not initially meant for the Sith Warrior and was only added because players complained that it wasn't fair one class had them while the other didn't.




Originally Sith warriors were suppose to get this title:



Emperors Wrath



But people complained because they could not be darth.


I really dont see why its such a big deal to not add both. Darth should be given upon reaching level 50, and the other title should have been awarded during the class quest, like the Inquisitor one.

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I'm no Star Wars title expert, but if I recall correctly, Vader was referred to as "Lord" and "Darth".


Well, the thing that makes it stand out is that Baras is called Darth, while you are not, on the same screen.


Consistency would be nice.



But then again, so would the other title.

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