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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Healers in Warzones


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If you want to just heal, then heal but the game clearly isn't designed around that. The direction MMOs are going are breaking off from the standard dps/healing/tank ie. Damage/supportive/control. Every game I see healers standing there waiting for somone to take damage which just makes me face palm. Don't get me wrong, some games I need to clearly focus on healing cuz im the only one but there are many areas to deal a little bits of damage. Edited by Fancyhuh
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That would be because DPS already have more medals, or at least they're way easier to acquire.


Riiiight... You just made my point. It's ridiculous for dps'ers with all the medals to tell healers they need to dps to get the same amount of medals that they get.

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I want to start by saying, it may be possible I am doing something wrong here, but it seems a lot more difficult to get a lot of medals as a healer than it does as a damage dealer.


I usually only get 2-3 medals when I heal in a WZ, but if I DPS i can easily get 5-7. It just seems like there are a lot more medals possible for damage dealers than healers. As a damage dealer, you can easily get killing blow, 10 kills, 75k dmg, 2500 hit, etc... However as a healer the only ones I seem to get are 75k healing and 2.5k heal. Are there other ones I am missing? I feel like there should be an assist medal or something for healers.


5K heal

killing blow

10 kills


Those are easly ones

you can try 75k dmg if you are sorcerer with force storm) but if the fidhts are intense You will not have the time to do that wile healing.

It's just stupid that healers have to dps so much to get more medals. Getting medals for assist would solve some problems. You should get kills by healing those who killed not only for adding damage.

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There are more dps medals because 4 ACs can only get dps medals. All healers can get heal / dps medals. All tanks can get tank / dps medals but won't get the top dps medals most of the time, visa versa for dps with tank medals. Anyone can get 9+ medals, all you have to do is not being a tunnel visioned bar watcher and actually help your team kill some people. Because if they're dead, you're team isn't going to be taking damage. SO STOP COMPLAINING YOU DON'T HAVE 11 HEALING MEDALS, YOU CAN DO OTHER THINGS THAT PURE DPS CAN NOT.
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