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Are Mercs broken when it comes to PvP?


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Pyro is the superior PVP spec because its superior against targets who are fighting back..arsenal is better agaisnt targets who arent fighting back (PVE)


I win 95% of my 1v1's as a Pyro Merc (would be lower but there just arent that many GOOD Marauders and Sentinels, those that exist will wreck any merc)

I Decimate groups in Ilum GroupVGroup PVP, using 30m range AOE's on enemy healer clusters will turn the tide... i get more dmg out of Fusion and Sweep as a Pyro Merc.

I stand a chance against melee as a Pyro Merc(comes down to player skill vs player skill)

I use more than 1 attack in my chain so arent vulnerable to interrupt as a Pyro merc.

I do more burst dmg and more sustained damage(thna aresenal) as a Pyro Merc.

I defend turrets/doors better as a Pyro Merc (superior DOT's)



The skillcap for Pyro is *much* higher, the result of learning to play it and use all the tools is an amazingly fun class where *skill matters*


My skill as a player *MATTERS* as a pyro merc, because I can run and fight at the same time.


I expect over time there will be more skilled Marauders/Sentinels to make Pyro's life hard, That class is beautifully designed for killing a Pyro

85% of the Maras and Sents I see just arent good. The difference between good/bad marauders and sentinels is about 350k extra dmg in a match.. the good ones hit 500k fairly often, the bad ones struggle to hit 150k.


That said... its the only class that should give you nightmares if the other player is Skilled. OP/Smug will "get lucky" on crits sometimes and kill you but not as often as you kill them.


Pretty much once you learn pyro, you just wont want to go back to Arsenal...and youll see Grav/Tracer spammers as "food"


a bad arsenal will be a bad pyro and visa versa


i gobble up pyro's tbh, cure makes them cry... it is normally nice and close, but 95% of the time i win vs flamethrowers in general.


there are a lot of FOTM arsenals, and they make good cammo for those of us using all of our abilities.

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I have no idea about pvp at 50, but my Arsenal merc is destroying the 1-49 bracket. Like most damage by 100k+ sometimes with 2 deaths and most kills.


Thats gonna change with 50 very fast. Most people there have proper PvP gear, lots of tools to root, snare, stun or get to to you very fast. You will lose against almost every melee and pretty much everybody knows how easy it is to counter a merc. You can only get to do good damage in the zerg, where everybody hits anybody. As soon as somebody picked you, you die.

Only thing you can kill are other mercs, commandos or snipers. Maybe a sorc if the player is really dumb :)

Edited by Devoter
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