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How important is it that a Guild host events and activities?


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Hi all,


I am trying to avoid a shameful plug of my guild here, and ask a general question.

The guild I am in runs a lot of good events and activities outside of the general game play and seems to be real popular, but we are the only guild that I know which does this. So I am wondering if other guilds do events, and what the general community feel about guild activities. Are they immportant to create a social enviroment, or does it depend on the player?


To give a couple of examples, we run the usual team ops, flashpoint groups, pvp etc. And take down World Bosses, but we also do Guild Chat Quizzes to win prizes, events like Safari Hunts, fastest team runs, that sort of thing. Even Hide and Seek!


Is this important to the average player, or do people prefer straight up HM flashpoint slaying for loot?





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Hi all,


I am trying to avoid a shameful plug of my guild here, and ask a general question.

The guild I am in runs a lot of good events and activities outside of the general game play and seems to be real popular, but we are the only guild that I know which does this. So I am wondering if other guilds do events, and what the general community feel about guild activities. Are they immportant to create a social enviroment, or does it depend on the player?


To give a couple of examples, we run the usual team ops, flashpoint groups, pvp etc. And take down World Bosses, but we also do Guild Chat Quizzes to win prizes, events like Safari Hunts, fastest team runs, that sort of thing. Even Hide and Seek!


Is this important to the average player, or do people prefer straight up HM flashpoint slaying for loot?






If I was joining a guild rather than running a new branch of a multi game guild, it would be very important to me a a player. In the days of SW:G and earlier MMOs, my husband (boyfriend then) and I would look for guilds with a good community. We wanted to be friends with our guildmates and didn't want to be in a huge guild that had members that never spoke to or hung out with another due to sheer size.


I think in guild events and out are crucial to building camaraderie. Our LotRo branch was known on our server for our "newbie" events, parades we'd put on and all kinds of fun events. Typically though, you don't see very many guilds doing this and I'm not sure they're important to the "average" player.


Just like some people are only into end game content and look for hard core raiding guilds, only certain types of players are into social events. So I'd say it really depends on the player. Those are the types of people our guild looks for too and it's tough if you're the only guild doing those things but it can be very fun and rewarding. Especially when you find other guilds that will help you organize server events. =)

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I think that depends on the people involved. Going from different server types and different games...the answer is different for everyone and, realistically, they're all "right" answers.


For me personally, I think it's kinda cool and I'd definitely try to join up. But the things I look for mostly is consistency. Will the guild actually do World Bosses, Flashpoints, etc multiple times a week to accommodate for schedules? Not just once a week. Will the guild have a strong and dedicated player base to handle such-and-such event? Will the guild be around in 3-4 months? Will the guild continue to grow with positive players?


Things like that. Some people don't give a crap about the more sociable elements and just wants a guild that is "business".


To each their own. :D

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The other replies are spot on. I will just bump the post and add that Guilds are all unique and specific to the members. Some social guilds do little more than chat and quest together and the members love it. Some PvPrs just do WZ and world PvP events and talk mad poodoo to each other and the members love that. I think many guild events are often organized by members spur of the moment.


Oh guild Datacron runs are great fun, need mumble or vent though. Does wonders for socializing everyone.

Edited by Derfmiolleh
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Thanks for the feedback folks.

Its pretty much as I figured, depends a lot on the player. I'm Senior guild event and activity coordinator for my guild and at the momment attendence figures for the events are up and down, we have a handful of regulars but I suppose it will steady itself in time.

Like one post above said, I think consistency is the key, will we still be doing it in 3-4 months. I hope so :D


What type of events have people participated in, what works, what doesnt? I am open to sharing ideas here.




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What type of events have people participated in, what works, what doesnt? I am open to sharing ideas here.





I'm still trying to figure out what works here myself. :p I don't like constantly mentioning other MMOs because they are not TOR but I have to give LotRo examples because that was the branch of the guild we were most successful in with events.


Oddly enough, our silliest event was one of our most popular. I'm not entirely sure why but I won't complain :pParades. Every so often my guild would get together and we'd each be on a different horse. There were a lot of different mounts and most of us were obsessed with getting different Reputation horses so we had a good mix. We'd line up outside the gates of Bree and travel all through the town, down to the little villages outside Bree and back through. Mostly it was a parade of horses (and goats once the Moria expac came out) but we would have people doing emotes and crazy antics as we went too. It would always start out as guild only but we'd get random people on their horses falling in line too. :D


We used to do newbie crafting events but those were some of our most involved planning and organizing wise and I think people got burnt out on doing these. So we stopped doing it as a guild wide event but some of still did it as individuals. We would put gift pakcs together of low lvl critted crafted items to give out. As we gave people their new shinies, we'd talk to them about the game and sometimes get a new recruit or too. It made them feel welcome, that there was a good community for them to participate in and gave them a bit of an edge for when they went into the Old Forest or Sharkey's Camp :p Plus, not many people want to spend their money on rare pipeweed so it gave newbies a chance to see what the different smoke clouds were like in game.


We also held themed holiday events, such as St. Patrick's Day where everything was green and we'd collect the different tavern specific ales (and crafted drinks) and hand them out. Our little games and activities during these events varied according to the membership attending at the time. Like our Captains would get together and duel each other but only their bannermen would fight each other, the Captains stayed out. People found it entertaining and some would bet on which "pet" won.

This could probably work in TOR too. Who's the biggest bad***, Khem or Skadge? :p


Occasionally we'd do Scavenger hunts / Hide and Seek too. Usually in Bree or Michel Delving in the Shire because those were well populated newbie cities but we'd have people advertising the events in Thorin's Hall and the starter areas too. The nature of the scavenger hunt would change every time but they were fun. =) Especially when the Turbine held festivals started happening.



All of these can be done with a TOR twist, it just takes guild members wanting to handle stuff like this which is what my guild is currently working on. :p Because we support all playstyles, we don't have a lot of members yet that want to help us RUN events. But that should give you some ideas to work. =)

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Our guild has been together for 10 years. While we do have a lot of events together, we also run REAL LIFE events, once a year, at my house. To me, a guild is more than just about playing a game.


It's about being a family.



Still recruiting-- come one, come all!

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